So we've survived two shifts. Yesterday's was much more fun with insane Lorraine who's actually from Jewelry but invaded us for a while (?!) stomping around, muttering indignantly about being referred to as 'floater' (the rest of us got over that a loooong time ago). But today was lonely lonely. Aww, pitié-moi. Karyna was in and did all my floating for me (love that woman) and cheered me up when I felt like crap, which ended up being most of the day.
So the meeting I 'skipped out' on last night (I couldn't move and had to do birthday stuff) ended up being relatively important. Not really important but more informative and the like. My bad. Do I regret it? You better believe I don't. Go me.
Maeghan stopped by looking for her pay stub. Seems she was paid three hundred dollars when she expected sixty. Why doesn't that ever happen to me? Blasted money. I really do hate it. People mostly laugh or nod like they're agreeing though they really love it to death, but I do. Can't think of a viable alternative, of course.
*dies gloriously happy fangirl death* Oh dear oh dear. Um. UM. *squeals* Sorry... *deep breath* Every time I see Diego's name I freak and get so blazingly happy!
Okay. Breathe, precious.
He's been in a bunch of my dreams lately. Three times in the last two weeks. Not that I object. Two of them involved me (only one being incredibly sap-happy) and the third, just this morning, was so off.
We were playing Liverpool in the Champions League qualifier (which will actually happen in August...) and Ruudy scored *squee* but some weird tackle happened involving some Liverpudlian (sp?) (most of them aren't actually from Liverpool, but hey) and either Ryan Giggs, John O'Shea or some odd combination of the two. It was an awful tackle and somehow Giggs/O'Shea ended up getting a red card for the entire team (?!) which the ref stitched onto his shirt (?!?!). Anyway, my beloved was subbed on (or maybe he started, I'm not sure), went in for the ball and was suddenly in the midst of a dogpile/tackle from the other team. Some of them started attacking him and someone nearly stamped him. So he flipped and fought back and the entirety of both teams got involved (possibly including the managers, which is most terrifying *laughs hysterically/is horribly frightened at mental image of Houllier vs Fergie*) before the refs broke it up. Three Liverpool guys were sent off, Diego got a yellow and then the whole team got a second red and therefore forfeited the match even though they were winning. So we were dumped from the Champions League before it even started. And Diego felt all responsible. So sad...
So yes. Why am I still sitting here? I LOVE YOU DIEGO.
Sorry, that was really unnecessary (oh no it wasn't!!!!!)