I am most sad! Apparently Geocities is shutting down, which means
melanittt's and my terrible Yugioh fansite will be gone forever! Have I even looked at it in over a year? No. Does anyone ever look at it? No. Will I miss it immensely? YES.
So I've been taking screenshots of the site so I have something of it left. Sadly, the bandwidth is soooo limited (with it being Geocities and all, I wonder why they're shutting it down?) that I've already maxed it twice this evening trying to access all the pages. It comes back up fast, though, and the whole thing implodes on the 26th so I still have time!
ayoungboy, join me in mourning the greatest terrible Yugioh fansite ever devoted to the HondaMunkye. Er, probably the only one ever, actually. We were so cool. Ha, what am I saying, the whole thing was my fault. Bahahahahaha.
RIP HondaMunkye
Ye shall be missed. Well, by one. But missed nonetheless <3