Aug 14, 2003 15:24
Yeah, that's right. The happy little Blaster worm wriggled its way into Lovely and Fast (the actual official name of my computer) and proceeded to wreak its havoc upon us all. Perfect timing, too, striking the day before YuugiCon III.
Frightened that it's up to three now? Oh, you should be. This one went for a record twelve hours! Could have been longer, but we lost the precious LCD projector partway in and had to resort to laptop and scrounged desktop monitor. Terrible, I know. We also had a record attendance this time!
YuugiCon I - Me, Shavaun, Mel, Adam (for part)
YuugiCon II/The Great Cake Escapade - Me, Shavaun, Mel
YuugiCon III/Birth of the Great Conglomerate Fanfic of Doom - Me, Shavaun, Mel, Janet, Avi, Lala (for part)
Terrifying, no? It's a wee bit odd that I've spent more time this last semester with those last four (plus Leah, making up the group affectionately known as "the things") than with my own friends. They're so terribly amusing. Loud, disturbingly bizarre and almost too similar to be real. They even sound like eachother now, thanks to Lala (yes, that is her real name. she's the only one without a nickname since her own is so cool [the others being melanit, hanet, bbLL and navi {I know I'm accepted since they've started calling me 'bethanit'}]). I've even written two terrifyingly stupid YGO fanfics starring all of us. You don't want to read them...
Anyway, life's getting minorly hectic. Exactly one week and 3 1/2 hours til the wedding. We had a minor SNAFU with Mel and my dresses. We're supposed to be candlelighters and wear matching black dresses, so we got our Grandma (mum's mum, I don't think dad's mum knows what a sewing machine is) to sew them for us. Malheureusement, we managed to find the most idiotically difficult pattern in existence and bought the completely wrong fabric (neither of which we realized until later). Needless to say, they really didn't turn out. So mum dragged us to Sears yesterday and we just happened to find two identical black dresses in the right sizes. The terribly amusing part is the neckline is fine but the back... well, it doesn't really exist. It consists of many looped black straps. Heehee, Mel is horrified, considering she thinks any shirt that isn't from the boys section at Zellers is low-cut. Ah, poopy, welcome to the world of female fashions.
The sudden spree of hair dying has claimed me as its latest victim. True, I didn't feel the need to go Deepest Cherry like bbLL or Brightest Red like hanet or Deepest Indigo like navi or Medium Ash like melanit. I just streaked it. Red! Red streaks! Mr Bloodyhead is coming back to haunt me. At least my hair's not so dark as to make it look like I really am bleeding. Though that could have merit...