Look, it's a real update! With only a tiny mention of animated tennis! Hahaha, you thought you were getting off that easy, hmm?
So the big news is that I'M HOME. FINALLY. ABOUT DAMN TIME. My back has decided to cooperate enough to let me sit on a plane and hobble through the airport, so I am finally back in my own bed with my neurotic cats in a room not filled with boxes and boxes of assorted crap and I'm HAPPY :D I'm actually doing quite a bit better in terms of mobility. Well, yes and no. Walking for short periods was pretty much fine the past few days, but today I'm having far more difficulty. And it's not due to the part of my back which is injured, I've started getting pains in one leg and in another part of my back. Also, I can apparently sit for longer periods without pain, even on a hard wooden chair at a restaurant. ARGH, MAKE UP YOUR MIND, BODY. DON'T JERK ME AROUND ANYMORE.
Thankfully I get to see my wonderful doctor tomorrow. She is fabulous in every way and will hopefully help me figure out what is wrong instead of babbling something about 'disc disease' without actually telling me what it is, handing me a prescription and telling me not to get constipated. THANKS, MR CRAPPY WALK-IN CLINIC DOCTOR. WAY TO FREAK ME OUT. No srsly, you don't tell someone they might have a chronic disease without bothering to explain what the hell it is, especially disc disease isn't actually a disease anyway WHICH I FOUND OUT THANKS TO GOOGLE, YOU BASTARD. Bah. Anyway, hopefully the mystery will be solved in the next little while and even more hopefully it's something short-term so I can get my ass out to Ontario to bother my
Oh yeah I was supposed to cut back on the caps. Ahahahaha. Erm, best to skip this next part then haha...
I'm almost done the series!!! Whatever shall I do??? I was getting highly concerned about how they were going to fit the Nationals into the last dozen episodes or so, especially since there were three filler episodes in a row WHICH WERE ALL AMAZINGLY EPIC ZOMG and the last of the zany crack Tenipuri family SHUUKO YOU SCARE ME SO MUCH GAH.
I know I had a bunch to squeal/scream over with the Junior Invitational camp and tournament, but it was mostly screaming out the names of all the awesome characters every time they came on screen. No srsly, I had to stop yelling at
wittyphantom over MSN because it would have been SHINJI! KAMIO! GAAAAAY CAPTAAAAAAAIN!!! RIBBON BOY! RIBBON BOY'S TWIN! SHINJIIIII! OOOH ATOBE! MOAR GAY CAPTAIN! etcetc for several hours. Ahahahahaha. Also, Kirihara falling down the stairs was MAGNIFICENT. I am glad he was redeemed after fighting his literal demons (WAY TO BE SUBTLE, SHOW) because he's just such a snarky bastard I hated to hate him. But zomg srsly THE FUJI/TACHIBANA! HOW DID I NOT KNOW OF THIS BEFORE??? IT IS SO EPIC. SO EPIC. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I srsly love Tachibana so much. And I've developed an immense love for Fuji after I stopped seeing Kime in his place hahahahahahaha especially when he crushed Kirihara BAHAHAHAHA.
I have also highly enjoyed every villain character being redeemed in later episodes, even if they just change from 'actual villain' to 'comic relief villain HAHAHA MIZUKI'. No srsly even batshit DEMON AKUTSU is redeemed! How can you not love him just a tiny bit for his weird attachment to Dan?? And his even weird 'I will beat you to show my twisted demonic affection' relationship with Echizen? I kind of really enjoy him. Sanada is still a giant dorkface and I don't particularly enjoy him, though after the whole YUKIMURAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA in the last crack episode, you have to love him just a little bit. Also, I'm srsly adding the Tenipuri Family Christmas to the list of Christmas specials that must be watched every year. Bahahaha! Family beware!
I was going to keep this short, wasn't I? Ahahahahaha. Must go and finish watching series and then the OVAs! After the preview for the movie I really don't know if I can sit through it (WTF ECHIZEN HAS A RANDOM BROTHER WHO CONVENIENTLY DISAPPEARED AND WAS NEVER MENTIONED AGAIN UNTIL HE SHOWS UP ON THE GIANT CRUISE SHIP WHERE SEIGAKU IS HOLDING A TOURNAMENT WTF), but we shall see. :D