AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHLFARGL. Sigh. I love my parents dearly, but every single time I've called in the last couple of months, the conversation eventually degenerates to dad telling me about what his friends have posted on Facebook. And then he and mum get into some argument over something someone posted on Facebook, or how incredibly lame Facebook is, etcetc. NO. SRSLY. STOP. I CALLED TO TALK TO YOU, NOT HEAR YOU ARGUE ABOUT FACEBOOK. GAH.
Anyway. The real news is this! I am making a Star Trek cake for my birthday!! My problem is, I don't know what kind of Star Trek cake to make! I kind of want a simplish one shaped like the delta/combadge thinger, because it would be dorkily awesome. And also easy to ice, especially since I don't have a lot of time (DAMN YOU, INTERNSHIP! FOUR MORE DAYS!). What do you think?? Is there something dorkier/more amazing that I could do?? It's highly tempting to find a bakery who makes those edible transfers and put an EXTREME GQMF MACRO on it, but also potentially embarrassing. Hahaha...
I am also going to make cupcakes! Because I have been CRAVING a cupcake lately. For a while I was craving a honey glazed donut, which is really weird because I HATE donuts. And I just spelled it 'donut' twice. Er, three times. I know it's acceptable, but NO. But yes, cupcakes! I plan to write/draw creepy things on them. Or else I'll just make
EXTREME LENSFLARE MERINGUES and put them on top. Muahahahahahaha.
My birthday is on Thursday! It promises to be minorly lame because I'm still on freaking internship, but it will be okay. Better than last year where my lunch made me ill, and then I proceeded to make myself more ill by eating gummies and drinking pop all afternoon (sigh, wherefore did thou goest, brain?), then couldn't eat supper and had to go to work. I did spend the entirety of work playing Neoquest and chatting with Manda, and then
melanittt bought me a feast and we attempted to stay up all night watching Bakshi's animated Lord of the Rings (we made it about half an hour in and collapsed from exhaustion/pain). So it was actually kind of a hilariously awesome birthday, despite all the sick. Hahaha. I shall endeavour to make this year even more amusing somehow, even though I'm now living alone because Manda has ABANDONED ME. WEEP. I will make Cherith come and amuse me at all hours. She won't mind. Hahaha...