
Jan 16, 2009 19:07


Haha, that totally took all my remaining energy. I am hella tired. I'm even too tired to watch MASH because it always makes me sad because of Hawkeye and BJ's epic love and BJ being an emo freak and Hawkeye being a freakish emo and omg the adorableness that is Father Mulcahy and so on and so forth. I can't decide if I should begin the terrible supernatural movie marathon tonight, or wait 'til tomorrow. I should probably watch Constantine tonight, heeheehee. Oh Keanu, I shall always love you <3<3<3

After having never calculated a TPN (total parenteral nutrition, aka IV feeding) before, I did three today and it is now old hat. I'd done it in case studies and labs before, but never a real one. It's really much the same, except now you actually get to see if you made the right choice or not. And now that I have proven my competency at calculating the rates, I get my cheat sheet! Huzzah! I lurve my preceptor.

This is srsly the best rotation of my entire internship. I lurrrrves it. I'm sad though because the hilarious doctor who conducts the slowest rounds EVAAAR and the awkwardly awkward resident are no longer there. Sadface! I get very quickly attached to the people I work with, but the new doctor is much less scary than he looks. My preceptor had warned me that he doesn't always like the dietitian "butting in" and might not consult us on stuff he's supposed to, but he was very well behaved today. Maybe 'cuz he knows I'm a student. Or maybe 'cuz it's only his first day and he hasn't had a chance to get cranky yet. We shall see!

Constantine it is! Unless there's an even cheesier movie on the Space Channel, which is entirely possible. Nothing can beat that horrible nephilim zombie vs hunky archaeologist that isn't Indiana Jones movie. Yaaaargh, that was SO BAD. I clearly have far superior taste!


tv, movies, internship

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