TV/movie squee time!!!
PROJECT RUNWAY IS BACK!!! I is so very excited! I entirely blame
moatruin for getting me hooked, muahaha. I really don't know what to make of the designers this season, though. It's at the point where I can't tell half of them apart yet, especially since half of them seem to be young, long-haired, overly smiley cute chicks who all used boring tablecloths and made boring cute little dresses. I have picked Daniel as my favourite, based purely on the looks of his portfolio and not his adorable indie kid hair. That's right. I also love one of the cute girls, though I couldn't tell you which one 'cuz they all look the same and have stupid names. Am also veryveryvery glad that creepyass Jerry was auf'd first. Eww. Bad, greasy hair, no personality whatsoever, and what the hell was that plastic slasherfilm villain getup? Ewwwww. But yes, veryvery excited! YAY FOR THE RUNWAY!!!!!!!!!!
Also, Shear Genius! Hee! I watched season one a month ago and fell in love with the utter gayness that is Rene Fris. I honestly don't know what kind of accent he's supposed to have, but you can't understand a word that comes out of his mouth except for his patented 'Hihi!' and 'Go shake it!' I'm not even kidding. So much love. I haven't found a replacement yet for the little gay hobbit from last season (Theodore? something like that, OMG THE CURLS!), but I'm highly amused by utterly, utterly gay Daniel who screamed like a little girl when he got to meet the Real Housewives of Orange County and is possibly the most ridiculous thing ever. Best. Show. Ever. Am so much in love.
Have also been watching muchos movies lately. Mellie Lou and I went to the video store before my birthday and spent over an hour wandering around aimlessly before finally picking out three to buy and three to rent (this is not an atypical occurence, we can't seem to spend less than an hour at a time in that place 'cuz we're so very indecisive). We rented Kinky Boots (SO MUCH AWESOME!!!!!!!!!), Reign of Fire (Christian Bale + evil dragons = BEST FILM EVER!!!) and The Brothers Grimm (Heath! Matt Damon! With terrible accents! And a plot that made no sense!). Hee. Totally forgot to take them back for a week too, oops. Good thing they have no late fees now... We also bought Juno (awwwwwwwwwwww, such an awesome little film though evil!Jason Bateman made me very sad), Eastern Promises (have yet to watch 'cuz I'm scared of it, but great is my immense love for Viggo and David Cronenberg), and Brokeback Mountain (it was free with the other two, hehheh, also HEEEEEEEEEEATH AND JAAAAAAKE 4FR). Yes. Also watched Hot Fuzz again the other day. Oh man, do I ever love Simon Pegg. He can do no wrong. I keep watching the episode from series one Doctor Who that he's in because he's so very awesome.
AND I just finished watching Batman Begins because THE DARK KNIGHT IS TONIGHT. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I'm soooo excited, but I'm almost more nervous than excited after watching the first one again. It's so very dark, and there's no way the second one will be any less dark. Also, Heath. It's going to be so hard to watch him in not only his last role, but (if you want to get overly melodramatic about it, which naturally I do) the role that killed him. Waaaah. I almost wish it wasn't him in it so that it'd be easier to watch, but it's almost better this way because no villain is scarier or more effed up than the Joker. Mellie Lou told me all about Jason Todd (the second Robin after Dick became Nightwing, yay) and how the Joker totally destroyed him for really no reason at all, and yeah. Really, really scary. But still awesome. I'm probably overthinking it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much, butbutbut. That's what I do, okay? Wibble.
Anyway. Still excited. Am going to distract myself now with the most recent Shear Genius and finish cleaning my room. And eat food. I LIKE FOOD, FOOD IS GOOD! <3<3<3
(also, I love how melodramatic these mood icons are. hehhehheh)