A secret agent in man-pris.

Apr 18, 2008 14:13

Totally watched an entire season of Project Runway in two days. Bwahahaha. This does not bode well for getting work done this summer. Pshaw! It's ridiculous how easily the producers can manipulate the viewers though. Up until the finale, I HATED Jeffrey! He was such a huge jerk! He had the opportunity to be redeemed in the Designing for Your Mum episode 'cuz his mum was adorable and gave us a teeny look into his messed-up past, and then he had to screw it all up by being a total bastard to Angela's mum (though really, that was manipulated too since some of his accusations were so unfounded given what we saw that there MUST have been stuff they edited out, those bastards). But then you go to his house and meet his adorable baby and adorable but semi-terrifying girlfriend and he cries a lot when he finds out he's not kicked off the show after all and ZOMG YOU LOVE HIM. IT'S NOT FAIR. STUPID MANIPULATIVE JERKS. GAH. You know they only kicked up a big fuss over his receipts and him being overbudget to make it seem all the more SHOCKING that they still gave him the win. And yet I can't help but love the show anyway. PR4THEWINZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahem. As for non-fandomy things, two exams left! One's tomorrow (am I studying? pish!) and then the last is next Saturday afternoon and then my undergrad career is OVER. Well, except for internship, but that's a whole new thing. No more of this annoying classes you might possibly use some day but probably won't ooh here's a really stupid reflective assignment to do! Haha, it is sweet. I'm not too worried about these exams over, even though the last one is my Clinical exam and ZOMG SO MUCH MATERIAL, but whatevah! I can totally handle it. I IZ WINNAR KTHX. (sorrysorry, will try to use real words from now on...)

I was totally sniffling my way through the Project Runway finale last night when Ms Alice calls and wants to do supper, so she and the roomie and I went to- MONTANA'S. That's right, Mellie Lou, I went to Montana's willingly! And I had the BEST VEGGIE BURGER EVER. (haha, berger) It was one of those fabulous soy patties that are only vaguely reminiscent of actual hamburger (thanks goodness, cuz EW HAMBURGER!!!) and they topped it with feta and roasted veggies and muchos tomato and ZOMG YUMMY. I had fries too, though I shouldn't have and paid for it with an angry tummy later (but really, what doesn't make my tummy angry these days?), but I got to hole up on the couch with a giant blanket and watch Princess Mononoke (do I ever watch new movies? nooooooooooope. my roomie has banned me from watching The Incredibles again until she goes home, haha) so whatevah. Also had giant spicy caesar which was SO good, mmm. There were seriously a dozen birthdays there, apparently it's the place to go if you want to wear a disgusting moose hat and be obnoxiously sung to by irritated waiters accompanied by a triangle. NO THANK YOU. We went to a new Mexican restaurant in town for the roomie's birthday and they gave her a tequila shot instead of obnoxious singing. So much better, though nothing beats the sparkly pink feathered tiara that Mellie Lou got last year. Genius!

So I suppose I should study now. Reeeeeeally don't wanna. Shall eat chocolate soy ice cream and watch Samurai Jack instead. Doesn't that sound so much more appealing? Sigh. Stupid exams. Almost there...


project runway, food, exams

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