"You can fly????" "No! Jump good!"

Apr 06, 2008 21:25

Holy cow, I love my Film prof. I sent him this long, emo email this afternoon begging him for a few extra days to finish my essay and being all heartfelt about how much I love this class and omg dramatic! (as I am wont to do, sigh)

His response? "OK!" Yes, that is the email in its entirety. I love that man so very, very much. Squee. So now I have 'til Thursday to dash off an essay about Bringing Up Baby and how it incorporates the concepts of Shakespeare's "green world" comedies. I can totally do that. Yay. Now I just have to cram some ridiculous crap about management and leadership theories and emergency prepareness plans into my brain for tomorrow and aaaaaaaaall will be well. Yes.

You know what else I love? Cheap groceries. Totally got an awesome deal this afternoon, which made me super happy. In suckier food-related news, my guts have decided to rebel against milk, which makes me very sad. Soy milk to the rescue! Good thing I like it so much. And I can actually eat cereal if I use soymilk, which makes me super happy. I miss eating cereal! I always suspected the combination of simple carbs in the cereal and lactose was what made me sick, and now I know. Yays. I'm also loading up on the fibre supplements and putting ground flaxseed and inulin in everything, so hopefully Mr Guts will begin to behave one of these days. ONE OF THESE DAAAAYS! (sorry, pay me no mind, lalala...)

You know what ELSE I love??? DOCTOR WHO. WANTS TO WATCH ENTIRE SEASON RIGHT NOW PLZ. Does not want to wait entire week between episodes! No! I shall bear it, especially with exams to distract me, but I shan't enjoy it! Also omg want Supernatural DVDs to come RIGHT NOW. It's a good thing they're being shipped slowly or else I would get even less studying done. Haha... I have promised myself that as soon as my leadership project is finished (April 21st, here's hoping!) then I can have a Supernatural day and rewatch all of season 3 plus finally see that last two episodes! I don't know how I've lasted this long (oh wait, it's called PROFESSIONAL COLLEGE TRYING TO KILL ME), but not much longer, precious! Noooooooooooooooooo. Muahahahhaha.

Ahem. Move along now, pay the strange girl no mind...

tv, school, guts

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