Yesterday was PORTFOLIO DAY OF DOOM, aka Project Showcase day. Naturally, I was up until 2 getting the stupid thing put together (half an hour earlier than last year, I must be improving), with my fabulous roomie holepunching everything and generally keeping me sane. Since they're clearly trying to kill us all, I had three classes before the showcase starting at 8:30 in the bloody morning, so a portion of the class staggered in with absolutely no sleep. I got five hours and made out like a bandit compared to them, haha...
Anyway, I talked to many a dietitian and nutritionist and showed my video thing that everyone liked so much (go me!) and showed off the 4 week menu for childcare facilities that I put together with my lovely friend Carmen. I was attacked by many rabid dietitians and other people who were VERYVERY interested in that menu, it was kind of frightening. My crazy prof from last year came by to watch the video and stood there making loud commentary despite there being no sound, hehheh. When
this part came on, where they're transforming a guy into a female model, she kept yelling 'No! Oh noooo, don't do that!' in the very crowded room. I just about lost it, she's so weird. Ahahaha, winnnnnar. Anyway, the whole thing went good and made me think 'hey, maybe I'm in the right program after all!' Been having some crises lately where I want to dump everything and run into the somewhat open arms of the English department (two English profs love me, so that's got to mean something, right?), but I think I'm good now. We'll see how the final meeting with my professional practice prof goes this year, but it should be fine...
A few of us went our for drinks/supper after and we proceeded to mock our professors' wardrobes (which really are terrible, and serve as a welcome distraction during lectures on acid-base balance and the like) and complain about our terrible waitress and generally have a productive and excellent time. Muahaha. Then the roomie and I had to go grocery shopping 'cuz they were having a sale! But by this time I was so tired I kept rocking back and forth while trying to stand still and put some things in my cart I really didn't need (spinach and feta perogies? hey, why not!), so we quickly went home and she pushed me into bed. And now I'm paying for the late night yesterday with a sinus headache and general malaise. Joy. I'm debating whether to class in an hour, though I really should go. Ugh, don't wanna discuss 'Psycho', no I really don't. But I should get my paper back, which hopefully he will have loved, yay. I iz a winnaaaarr. Every time I write that, I think 'Wintour' (as in Anna Wintour, which tells you exactly what my procrastination time has been spent on lately... I can obsess over fashion blogs if I want to, so there). Yes. Go brain.
I shall now lunch on the aforementioned crazy perogies and cuddle pathetically with Mr Kittyface. That is his new name. Yes. <3