denorios, where are you when I need to weep all over you? *clings*
In regard to the match this morning, all I have to say is: damn you, Gallas. I predicted a draw, but damn you for proving me right. Hate you so hard. Also, I thought you were with Chelsea, though don't ask me why. Rage.
I recreated Thanksgiving dinner for myself last night, though admittedly a much less involved version. I bought a couple of those impossibly delicious soy chickens when I was in Calgary last weekend, so I broiled it and made mashed potatoes and mushroom garlic gravy and steamed some green beans. Absolutely divine. Then I cried all over it while watching the finale of Supernatural. Due to the combination of an early morning and hormones, I'm still weepy, so now I'm eating the leftovers. Oh soy chicken. You will repair my shattered fangirl heart. Droolmunchsob.
I also watched the first three episodes of this season, and biggest comment is what's with all the gory deaths? The power saw, and the giant roasting fork? Gross, guys. So not cool. The fork death was almost made up for with the impossible dorky cuteness of badluck!Sammy, but not quite. Plz to keep the gory deaths off camera kthxbai. I should really be studying for one of two midterms, but am tired and stupidly weepy and want more Sammy. So I'll probably return the giant pile of clothes on my bed to the computer chair instead of putting them away like a rational person and watch the next two episodes. Then I'll be all caught up and can squee on a weekly basis like everyone else. Yay. Then I think I'll finally watch the end of SYTYCD. I predict my reactions as follows: if Neil wins, DIE OF SQUEE; if Lacey wins, giggle madly at predicted crazy antics of Benji in the audience; if Sabra wins, HAAAAAAAAAAAAPPINESS!!!!!; and if Danny wins, IMMENSE RAGE AND FROTHING AND OMG KILL YOU DEDD. Yes, I have an irrational hatred of Danny. Stupid unemotive square-jawed Danny. Your pirouettes are nothing to Neil's, or Travis' for that matter. Bitch.
Am now finished soy chicken. Sadness. I shall stare pathetically at my empty plate until reason finally kicks in and I actually do something. Yeah, not likely too soon.