I <3 Doctor Who. Even when they totally rip off their own episode (two episodes, actually. at first I thought 'ooh, maybe it's a sequel to The Satan Pit!', but nooooooo) and have something as incredibly stupid as a living sun and literally reuse the set and props from the episodes they ripped off- I can't help it. I'm a fool for Ten. And for random cute emo boys in space. I know, I know.
So I survived the trip home quite handily. I didn't even have to drive! Yay! We rehashed all the seasons of 24, overanalysed the finale from this season and were generally obnoxious. Thankfully, it was only me and dad. He refuses to let go of his theory that somehow they're going to bring David Palmer back, which makes me beat him. Sigh. I do want me s'more Wayne, though. I started thinking about the Wayne/Petty Officer Rooney fic I planned out on one very dazed walk to school and started sniggering in the car. Fortunately dad didn't ask... don't know how I would have explained that one... ahahhahahahaha.
I'm downloading the entire season of Heroes! I'm excited. None of the seeders are online right now which means I'm getting 3 KB/s and it's going to take one billion years, but they should be on later. I hate time zones. Especially when they keep me from my
glazed_over08. Wendyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! I'll try to catch you tonight or something!
One more sleep 'til camp! My boss gave me permission to come the night before, so I don't have to get up at six-thirty to make it out there in time to start on Friday morning. Yaaaaaaaaaay! Hopefully I'll be one of the first there so I can claim a room for myself. I absolutely refuse to share this summer. And I have one of the most stressful jobs in the camp, so I think I deserve it. So there. I intend to hole up with my crappy lappy and piles of anime and other assorted tv and have a fabulous time. Whee!
Apparently I wrote an email to myself a year ago on the website
FutureMe.org. I just got it today. It reads:
Dear FutureMe,
Are you less of a freak now? Less scared? Somehow I doubt it. Do lives still revolve around four lads from Liverpool? If so, I weep for the future. I'm so witty and caustic.
I hope you find love in more places and fear in fewer. And don't belong to Sears. I'd like to think I put it behind me.
Have more fun, think less, have fewer hiccoughs and don't be sick.
<3, Me
It took me way too long to figure out that I meant The Beatles. I couldn't figure out what Liverpool players I would be talking about... hahaha. And the rest of it is the overly dramatic whining you all know and love. Sigh. Haven't changed a bit, have I? Heh.
I'm off now to drink tea with the lovely
willard_theduck (as soon as my laundry finishes...) and to get my hair cut. Hopefully my equally lovely friend/hairdresser Victoria will fix this magenta mess. Who thought it would be clever to dye their hair purple again, hmm? My camera's still full of Nigerien sand so there will be no pictures, but hopefully I'll get it fixed on my first break back from camp. Yay.