Excerpt from class this morning. I heart Dr Low. I was organizing my tags on Saturday (who is the lamest of lame?) and I found one called 'dr low smells'. I was so amused. I rediscovered a bunch of entertaining entries I'd forgotten about. And I was too scared to actually check how many entries have the tag 'football', and that doesn't even count all the ones before they introduced the tag system...
After I buy my last textbook this afternoon (yes, term is a third over. yes, the bookstore is a pile of poo), I will have a grand total of sixty-one dollars in my bank account. Yay? I kind of wish I was still working, except for the whole stressing me out so that I don't sleep at night thing. I'll just leech off everyone around me and beat the bank into submission. I think it's a good plan.
I was kind of grumpy after the chocolate fondue didn't work out so well, so I called my mum and babbled at her for a while. She's been kind of lonely all week, so lovely
ofbothminds kept her entertained over the weekend. I'll see her in a week, yay! I'm super excited to get out of the city for a while. Ten whole days in Calgary! Yay! It sucks that I'm missing Valentine's Day (am giant sap <3), but I'm sure I'll survive. I intend to rent all of the movies nominated for Best Picture (if they're even out yet...), except for Letters from Iwo Jima because me and war movies really don't mix. But I'd really like to see the others, being Babel, The Queen, The Departed and *points to icon*. Mum hasn't seen Little Miss Sunshine yet, so I'll snag our copy unless Mel violently protests. I love it a little bit more every time I see it. I didn't realize that Abigail Breslin was nominated for Best Supporting Actress! They really like nominating kids now, don't they? So tiny and cute!
I'm supposed to be working right now, but I don't really have anything I can do until I get home. I was reading through the Wikipedia article on 'clinical trials' in a half-hearted attempt at studying for Boring Class (aka Research Methods, sigh) and I could probably look up some foods for the menu assignment (how many different ways can you make cream of wheat appealing? ZERO!), but I think I'll drown my sorrows in blueberry yogurt and stare morosely at my day planner. Ooweeoo-ooooh.