
Dec 18, 2006 12:34

As of half an hour ago, term I is finally over. I am far too tired to be excited, considering I got only five hours of sleep last night oweing to the stupid decision to have a double eggnog latte at the coffee shop last night. Usually I'm pretty immune to caffeine, but in combination with stress it made me all giddy and awake. Grr. Stoooooooopid. I did read the first part of an amazing story by the incredible ladyjaida called The 7th Swan. It's beautifully written and sad and pretty and brothers! You know how I am about brothers. And lovely Jaida is the same. Heeheehee. Must read the rest.

Wow, I've been trying to write this for forty minutes now. Not that have anything to say. Hahaha...

Also, why I titled this 'Dooooooooooooooooooooooooom', I really don't know. My brain does really weird things when sleep-deprived. Which is why I left Jaida such a froofy comment on her journal... oh dear.

I shall go find my mum and collapse on her and then go home and collapse on my cat. And hopefully make someone go buy food, because this is getting ridiculous.


fics, end of term, exams

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