Second and third posts to
davidlovesgary. Ahahahah. Reader, beware, for I art ein freak. Ja. Apparently I like destroying foreign languages as well. But you knew that.
Didn't accomplish as much today as I should have, but it was a pretty good day anyway. The African food was bloody amazing and I totally got special stuff made for me because I suck. Heehee. The lovely cook thought there were two vegetarians when really there's just me and Holly the Semi-Vegetarian (whatever that means) and she ate the meat, so I got both portions of the special stuff. Cue me overeating like mad. Didn't help having Cherith next to me. She professed her undying love to chickpeas and to spice tea and kept eating and eating and eating. And then we were very ill. Actually, I'm still kind of ill. Le sigh. But it was fab. And then we simply had to go next door to the health food store, but I totally only bought a surprisingly large and cheap package of saffron (apparently American saffron is cheap?) and some vanilla soy drink boxes for
marrasia. Cherith bought a billion things and justified them in various ways, ranging from 'it's my birthday week soon!' and 'but it looks delicious!'. We really make a terrible shopping pair. Ah well.
Anyway. Tomorrow we start planning our crapulent Commerce project and attempt not to be sidetracked by the promise of sushi and STM soup. We really shouldn't ever work together. Ever. And yet, we're in every group project completely by chance and are lab partners in both labs. We'll either be sick of each other by the end or get married. Possibly both. Muahaha.