Despite residing in someone else's mind, I will see no need to pay rent.

May 04, 2006 22:33

So, we're off to the Shiny Land of West Edmonton Mall (what, there's a city too? I refuse to believe a place that houses a street named after Wayne Gretzky exists. how dare you sully the name Wayne?! CURSE YOU!!!) in approximately eleven hours. So I totally won't get to post until Sunday. The horrors! What will you do without me spamming you? Not like anyone checks as often as I do anyway. I totally only got 50% on the 'What Percentage of You Is Livejournal?' quiz. So there. leetje got 90%, so clearly I'm doing just fine (I aspire to be like you, doll *smooch*).

Today consisted of many movies, little movement from the couch and much lip balm. And a dress fitting. And planning Mel's grad hair. I totally think Akima-style blue streaks with white flowers, but I'll probably be overruled. Which is probably smart. *coughcough* The other girl getting her dress fitted was the Bitch of the Universe and looked like she sleeps on her tanning bed ("Someone's got a sunbed!") and had a special ringtone just for her camera phone. Her dress was hot, she was not. *yawn*

Anyway, g'night and farewell and I'll totally mail out mix CDs on Monday. Oh, and if my lads lose to Boro- HEADS WILL ROLL. That is all.



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