Nov 06, 2003 23:25
I'm in a most useless mood. The last two days have been so very enjoyable. Sleep til ten/eleven, stumble to couch, watch soccer. Shower if I remember. There was some laundry in there too, which sucked but hey, cleanliness is a good thing. Mel and Leah came to visit on Wednesday with a spare in fourth, so we watched the first half of the Man Utd vs Rangers game (*fangirl squeal* HE SCORED AGAIN! I LOVE HIM SO VERY MUCH!). I tried to convince them to eat some real food, but all they wanted was nachos. Oh well. Then Leah came to visit by herself today, having another 4th spare. So we watched the rest of the game and the first 20 minutes of the Real Madrid vs Partizan Belgrade game, squealing every time David Beckham came on screen. Awww, I had so much fun...
And work tonight was terribly amusing. I should probably get around to profiling everyone for you guys, but it feels almost wrong to define them like that. They're all so bizarre. Lena's recovering from flu-induced laryngitis (don't ask me how that works) and consequently says 'Damn *insert random object here*' even more than usual. She's hilarious. And Kathy's simply the sweetest person. Ever. Awww... everyone makes me happy.
Though Shannon was talking the other day about how anyone hardly gets any hours after Christmas/New Year's. My employment technically terminates on Dec 24th but I've been assuming all along that I'll be kept on. Several of the other girls started as Christmas help last year, so I just thought the same would happen to me. But now I'm not so sure. I may be out of a job by 2004. I don't know what I'd do; no one hires after Christmas because there's just no need for it. I need to talk to Zoila, but I don't know how to bring it up. She's so sweet and awesome I probably just need to come right out and say it. Maybe on Saturday, if she's in...
Back to the 'awwwww!'-ness: I saw Clara on the bus today!!! I was so very pleased. I hadn't seen her in so long. She always gives me a hug, which just makes everything happy. Awwww... I really say that too much. But it's the way I feel! HAPPYHAPPY- okay I'll stop. Hee.