Yes, in true form our "lets just go to the pub and have a few quiet ones" night, ended in a nipple licking, boob biting, man teasing, twat dancing, Rae wrestling, kinda way...... so just like usual!
Got into the Tap, after grappling with my "up do"/beehive/f@&*ing pain in ass hairstyle and met up with Greg, Paul, Fairy and House. Not seen them since the wedding so I bored them with honeymoon details. Then Rae and Kinsley turned up. Again not really sen them since the wedding, so mucho talking and drinking took place. The Tap was packed, dont no why. Lucie and Kim then turned up and I think I was slightly drunk by this point. Soon after James and Andy appeared, Andy, as sober as a judge!!!!!! We drank, talked and chilled until about midnight when someone decided that "City" was the next destination. It always happens and everyone moans about it and we always seem to have a good night! Anyhow, me and rae managed to lose everyone within seconds, but alas, the Rig brought us all back together. Cant remember for the life of me what I danced to, however my pulled "ass" muscle seems better this morning :)
Anyway, it seemed to go downhill from there. I remember riding around on Rae like a pony around the main room and terrorising some young boy. He did look terrified as we got closer - sorry mate - and I seem to remember Andy and James wrestling on the dancefloor...again, then dragging Rae into it and her and Andy rolling around in my spilt pint!!! It was quite humourous!
Chips and a taxi were the end of a good night.
Got up at 9 to see my husband :) before he went to work :( and am just about to go and muck out. Looking forward to a night in with my gorgeous husband and a pizza. Oh and just incase ur interested, a couple of snaps below from last night.........
Me and Rae...this was best out of a bad bunch!!
Me' big brother Andy, my "new husband" and James...not pissed, honest guv'nor!