Much better.

Apr 13, 2011 19:50

I realized this morning that while I've been very diligent about taking my prescription allergy medicines, I completely brain-farted and forgot to take Claritin for, oh, about a week.  I took one this morning and have felt almost human all day.  ("I can smell! And taste! And not be sneezing or stuffed up constantly!  Food smells!  Plant smells!  Oh, formaldehyde, didn't miss YOU at all...")  It's been fantastic.  And all thanks to one tiny white OTC pill.

All together now: YOU MORON.  Sigh.

After working out for over an hour earlier, getting most of my DiffEQ's homework done at lunch, and making a truly yummy dinner off the top of my head (see previous post for recipie), I think it's safe to say that it's been a good day.

I also knit up the parts for two more pandas and grey kitty, but I haven't sewn them up yet.  My general MO with the critters is "knit up all the parts for at least one 'type', keep going until your hand hurts too bad to knit, and then sew/stuff/embroider them all at once".  I think this method is more efficient than doing just one complete critter at a time.  More like an assembly line.

Still waiting on the plastic pellets, dangit.  Though Nessie needs another inch or two of tail.  I could finish that up in an hour or so, if I'd just get motivated.

Oh, and I've almost used up an entire ball of grey yarn making these things.  Turns out that these critters don't take up that much; I think I'll get somewhere between 7 and 9 critters out of one ball (probably more; this wasn't a whole skein to begin with).  This is good, because it means my production costs (at least initially) will be very, very low.  However, this is bad, because it kind of shoots the whole "using up stash" thing in the foot.  Especially when it comes to poseables, since I'm only using two plies of a four-ply yarn for those.  (I think Tiberius only used about 200 yards of 2-ply yarn for his entire framework and body.  When it comes to mane/tail/fetlocks, though, I have no idea how much those ate up.)  Fortunately for you guys, this should bring costs down a tiny bit.  My general rule of thumb is cost of materials, plus $0.10 per yard of yarn.  Though with the poseables, that may get altered a good bit, since they have two types of stuffing (fiberfill and pellets) and wiring through them.  Hmm.

And after poking around on DeviantART, I want to drop everything to go buy feathers and make a poseable gryphon.  For mememe.  Argh.

ALSO.  Tomorrow is my weekly meeting with my counselor.  For the past week, my assignment was to freewrite/ journal about middle school.  I did one long, boring "background" entry and another short one, but not much.  On Monday, I realized that I've been knitting so much as an avoidance technique, to keep from writing about something so painful.  Heh.

Oh, and incidentally, I don't mind posting my health stuff up here for the world to see.  Pretty much everything else about my personal life will be behind a friends-lock, if it's posted at all.  But the health stuff?  Personally, I'm a "knowledge" is power kind of person, as well as a big proponent of community.  If my experiences or comments on health stuff end up helping someone who's desperate and hitting up the internet for info, all to the better.

Someone stop me before I blog again.

maunderings, critters

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