I'm referring to
this, BTW.
So... now what? Did I just make all those scarves and stuff for nothing? 'cuz I'll be REALLY pissed if I wasted all that time. Tricolor scarves take about 6 hours each, and hats take like 8, and if I have four hats and 3 each of 5 different kinds of scarves, plus 2 extra gift scarves... *dies* dangit, I could have had all my Christmas gifts done by now! Plus I won't get to meet Aaron and Ami-chan now...
... Well, this WAS going to be a post asking for suggestions about what new scarf designs I should have, but I've decided against that now. The only one of us who got a registration thingy in on time was Janette. Hopefully she hears back in a positive way.
...Gonna go play with the sticks and yarn now - oh wait, I can't, I have homework. This just keeps getting better.
Should I get a Deviant Art account, or just stick with the Elfwood one, or both?
~Lady Temeraire
P.S. I'm gonna go mess around on
the blog in a while - update quote pages, rearrange stuff, etc.