Ohai there (aka, obligatory intro post).

Jul 02, 2020 00:00

Welcome to my journal~  This is where I post stuff that goes on in my life, as well as knitting content and book reviews.  My old blog, which can be found here, is no longer updated; I decided I like LJ better. However, some of my writing is still there, as well as past book reviews and some "About the author" stuff, so feel free to poke around.
Since LJ doesn't have a "page" feature (the only downside I can find so far), I'll keep this entry permanently future-dated to serve the same purpose - and to greet people when they show up.  I'll also put any other PSAs or polls, separated under LJ-cuts.

This journal is, for the most part, unlocked.  There are a few highly personal entries that are friends-only, mostly dealing with family stuff.  My policy has always been that if you don't want people reading it, it shouldn't be on the internet, and I try to put that in place here as well.  Feel free to friend me; unless I absolutely hate your guts, I'll probably friend you back.  (Eventually.  I'm slow with these things.)
If you want to email me, I can be reached at ladytemeraire AT yahoo DOT com.  (Replace the caps with the obvious.)


Archived listing of knitted objects: click the fo's tag, or the knitting tag.

DRAGON EGGS: please give them a click! 

fo's, quotes, archives, about the author

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