Apr 26, 2009 19:56
Note: un f-locked, since I'm not paranoid. Unlike SOME PEOPLE.
(Also, CJ, I'm stealing one of your tags. <3)
Last night was Junior Senior Banquet at the Dayton Packard Museum. Even though we couldn't dance, I think everyone had a really fun time. I wore my sapphire-blue gown (though I was really hoping for emerald-green this year... oh well), and Mike and I got our pictures taken. I informed him as soon as we walked in the door that he would NOT disappear on me like he did last year. Not a request.
There was a prestidigimatator (READ: magician) walking around doing card tricks, sleight of hand, all that fun stuff. He actually did a really cool routine at our table that involved his business cards as well as playing cards, and I got to keep the end result. There was also a jazz band, and the Quintessentials sang several times. And there was a buffet-style dinner with chicken cordon bleu and these amazing potatoes... actually, the lady serving drinks asked why no one was dancing. (My answer would have been "This is DC. If you dance, you get pregnant and die.") Although Mackenzie did a really nice Charleston by herself while we were waiting in line.
Later was Mike's after-party. We got there 15 minutes early, and I was promptly glomped and appropriated by Carly. I decided that if I changed out of my dress before people showed up, I would get "BUT I WANNED TO SEEEE~", so I might as well stay dressed up until everyone arrived. People were very complimentary of my dress; even Townsend, which surprised (and flattered) me. (And yes, he did actually glomptacklehug Carly when he arrived.) And it was nice to be dressed up and pretty, I don't get to do that very often.
Also, Alex, you wanker; the only thing he said to me when he finally showed was "Why the heck are you still dressed up?" Even though he was the last one to arrive and I only stayed dressed up so he could see because I thought he would like it. Fail.
Anyway. Carly helped me out of my dress (THANK YOU) and I threw on jeans and a tshirt. I hung out upstairs a little, but Abby's two friends dominated the game console with HALO 3, so I went downstairs. I didn't feel like entering the brawl arena basement yet, and I kinda wanted to talk to Alex... but Joey showed up and we ended up having a geeky discussion about drama and theater. Which was just fine with me.
Later there was a Brawl tourney involving me, Carly, Mike, Alex, Townsend, and Joey. I was consistently distracted by people saying "so-and-so's dad is here" and got my rear end handed to me on a platter. (Well, it wasn't that bad, I think he only had one or two lives left at the end...) Also, Sheik is not an effing cross-dresser. Townsend, I'm looking at you. ;-)
Jenni: *crawls over and flops down between Carly and Townsend*
Carly: *snuggles* JENNI IS A KIIIITTYYY~
Jenni: *starts purring*
Townsend: *pets Jenni's head* Wait... *recoils like he expects me to bite him*
Jenni: *hides disappointment*
Mike: Just so you know, Carly, I'm extremely jealous right now.
Townsend: Yeah, me too.
Carly: D'awww, Townsend is a kitty too~
Townsend: I dun wanna be a kitty!
Jenni: Actually, I did draw you as a cheetah once...
Townsend: A cheetah's just a really big kitty!
Jenni: Hey Carly, rub him behind the ears and see if he starts purring. X3
Matt: Hey Jen, your dad is here...
Carly: Hey, someone else distract Townsend for me kthxbai
Everyone else: Can't. Won't.
Townsend: Cuz you're hot.
Carly: ............................................WAT
Yeah. That was a bit more explanation than I intended, but you get it now. Er... as much as you can get it. I personally am a bit confuzzled by the last part.
There was also a text convo later on last night (and another one this morning), but I'm not gonna post those. I'll just let you guys imagine how they went. :3
Suffice to say, Townsend-as-a-kitty picture will be posted once I finish it.
So, my thoughts?
I had fun at JS... but the fun was not necessarily connected to Mike. This makes me a little sad. Same goes for the party.
I think Townsend and Carly go well together. Especially since they were shamelessly hitting on each other ALL~ NIGHT~ LONG~
I also think I may be falling for someone other than my boyfriend. Or have fallen for already. I'm not quite sure what I think of this.
I need to go finish my research paper and stop worrying about the future.
(Also, Carly, I was only half-awake when you started twitching in your sleep. Scared the hell out of me. <3)
life love and the lack thereof,
"so there's this guy...",