RL updates~~

Feb 26, 2009 17:45

Uh.  Basically my upstairs internet has been screwing up for the whole month, and I couldn't post anything on LJ because the little toolbar above the entry box (ya know, with the bold, italic, and other buttons) wouldn't show up.  That, and the internet liked to time out after about ten minutes.  Also, the school computers have blocked LJ, DeviantArt, and Twitter but not Wordpress.  (The Yarn Harlot's site is also unblocked, which amuses me no end.  So is Blogspot and Typepad.  Go figure.)

Two weeks ago I came down with a sinus infection and bronchitis.  At the same time.  Took me out of school for three days straight, and really messed with me for the next few days.  And apparently it's been going around school - most people have been out at one time or another.

As I said before, Ravelry refuses to recognize this blog, so I'll be using my Wordpress one for knitting updates.  And book reviews.

Speaking of which, I'm almost done with the Snowdrop Shawl.  SO EXCITED~~

And, uh.  I kinda really want a drop spindle.  But I know if I get one whatever scraps of a life I have will vanish completely.  If someone gets me one, I will love you, but I still might hate you.  <3

And... that's it.  I think.

real life, randomness, school

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