Doldrums - February 2015 Edition

Feb 11, 2015 00:43

I haven't posted here in a while, blah blah blah.

On to the personal stuff!

Every time I'm on my period (or, as I like to call it, my "Happy Time"), I get a terrible sense of the doldrums. Suddenly, everything just seems terrible: I hate where I live, I hate my wardrobe, I hate how I look, I hate everything.

Maybe "hate" is a strong word. Maybe a more accurate one would be "dissatisfied". But you know what I mean.

It's not that anything specific is wrong, and I know it's just my hormones talking, but it doesn't make me any less miserable.

During these times, I usually take to Pinterest and various gothy clothing sites, and make lists upon lists of stuff I want. It helps a little, but it also makes me feel terribly impulsive. Fortunately, my terribly practical side stops me from buying a shirt or jacket for $80 plus shipping.

So why write all this down? To get it out of my head mostly. There's a certain amount of words I need to express every day, and I haven't gotten to express them today because I've been alone and asleep for most of it. Because of the exhaustion. Which is why I'm up in the middle of the night watching cartoons and writing in my LiveJournal.

All right. Enough moaning and groaning. Now maybe I can get some friggin' sleep.

Love love,

Lady Tam Li

menstruation, misery, tired, period

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