my writing blog. As in, "back to the ol' drawing board", which I think is something Wile E. Coyote said in some of the later Looney Tunes after a plan of his failed miserably.
It's becoming increasingly clear that, if I want to use my characters in a publishable form, I'm going to have to completely revamp their origin stories.
Reading back through CSWP is giving me a clearer idea of where I got my characters from in the first (and also explains a lot about why I've been so unwilling to go back over it with a fine-tooth comb), but it's giving me very little in the way of something usable.
Still, I'm pushing on. I'm not sure why. Part of me feels that now that I've made the decision, I need to stop reading the blasted thing and just start the aggravating re-writing process. The other part of me says "No; you need to understand where you got them from in the first place before continuing on."
It's getting all mixed up in my head. I really don't know whether to abandon it completely, or continue working through it. It's like reading an old journal; painful, slightly amusing, mostly embarrassing.
I -want- to finish, but sometimes...I just don't know. I just...I don't know.
I need help. A personal secretary. Or maybe a large sledgehammer and an abandoned junkyard.
~L. A.~