I saw one of those Facebook spiritual love & light thingies the other day that said "If God doesn't give you what you ask for, it's because you don't really need it." And I was like, ummmm, I can think of lots of ways that's totally untrue - starving children around the world surely need food but don't always get it...
but I realize how freaking miserable I can be sometimes, so I've decided to try to balance my negativity by blogging about pleasant things.
I'm tasking myself with this.
So. For starters, I'mma make a list of things that are PLEASANT in my world lately.
In no particular order:
paperbackswap.com - I got three books from my amazon wishlist in the mail recently, and one on the way. In exchange, I shipped out three books that I don't need to keep, with the added bonus of knowing they're on their way to someone who will appreciate them, rather than rotting in the bottom of some Goodwill bin somewhere. Yay books.
Happy Feet - watched this with the Kinglet for the first time as part of our habitat unit on polar regions. LOVE the mashups. OMG, what fun.
My anniversary - two days from now, the God-King and I will have been married seven years (been together 15). That's something, now, ain't it?
Daughter of Heaven - working title of my latest short story, inspired by Egyptian mythology and Edgar Rice Borroughs.
Rough draft completed TODAY. It's a pagan-tinged sci-fi monster story. I'm broadening my horizons.
The Next Queen of Heaven - (title no relation to the aforemention) - just finished this novel by Gregory Maguire (received through paperbackswap). Took me by surprise, caught me up, interesting little side-adventure of a book.
That's all I got so far, but I'm open to suggestions. Gimme a theme, I'll try to wax positive about it.