I feel like I'm spending half my life in doctor's offices. Between me and the Kinglet, we had SIX appointments this week: a post-op for his eye, a visit to his shrink, and his therapist today. An appointment with a vascular specialists to look at my spider veins (which I think might be causing my chronic pain and weakness there). An emergency visit to my lady doctor because the thing they did to fix the problem I was having didn't fix the problem, it made it worse. And an allergy shot.
I had an EMG last week to see if I have carpal tunnel syndrome. I don't. So far the numbness in my fingers and my constantly dropping things is unexplained, as is the slight neuropathy in my legs and feet.
Next week I get to visit the neurologist to tell him about all this, and ask him to please increase my meds because of the bleed-though pain. If he decides it's time for a new look at my back, that'll be a trip to the imaging center and a follow up.
The co-pays and meds add up to a small fortune. I'm constantly worried about over-using our babysitters, so sometimes I have to drag the Kinglet to these things. And with two, three, six appointments in a week plus regular errands, we're away from home half the week, which makes it impossible to give him regular, habitualized schooling.
And I'm freakin' exhausted.
I keep thinking about stopping the allergy shots. I've been getting the shots for almost a year, one in each arm, twice a week until I finally got fed up with skin reactions and dropped to 1x in June. I still haven't made the maintenance dose - they keep having to drop me back. It costs me $10 a visit plus I-forget-how-much-more for serum whenever I finish a bottle. And an hour out of my day each time.
I can't say that I'm better for the shots. I still get sinus infections. I still get noticeably sick from exposure to my cat, and mold (dust is too hard to say. Dust is everywhere).
But I'm torn. If I stop before the maintenance dose, my tolerance could drop back down to nil and all the time will have been wasted. If I stop I won't be able to say for sure whether the headaches are BETTER if I ever manage to wean off the pain meds to find out.
But we're broke. And I'm tired. Gah, what to do, what to do.
Sometimes I think those nature-health-hippies at the Co-op had the right idea. Maybe I should stop everything, take up Reiki and Yoga, and dose the hell outta myself with vitamins. I ain't going raw food, though. I like to eat way too much.
But who'm I kidding. There's no inner peace until there's outward peace in my house. You've met my kid, yes?