Feb 18, 2011 07:46
The Ten to One Meme - Day Three: Eight ways to win my heart
1. If you say "I'd love to read your story/poem" and I trust you enough to let you, follow through and actually read it. You’d be surprised how many people skip that part. Also? Find something insightful to say about my work, not just “it’s great” or “you used the word “the” too many times.”
2. Bring me chocolate.
3. approach me honestly if you have a problem with me. be willing to discuss it. If you have the balls to do that, you will earn my respect, which is as good if not better than my heart, because I’ve given pieces of my heart to some pretty unrespectable people.
4. talk with me about spiritual things.
5. Engage me in a civil and intelligent debate on a subject on which we differ. Do this because you love a good debate, but also because you are curious and hungry for the world and want to mull things out. we don't have to change each others minds, and no one has to win - but isn't it great to play with words and, sometimes, maybe, tweak the color of your personal sky, because you've seen it through someone else's eyes?
6. Be smart, charming, and witty. Honestly, even if you are a total jerk, if you can make me laugh and carry on witty internet banter I’ll tolerate a surprising amount of your crap.
7. be good to my friends.
8. ask my opinion on stuff. I really like it. who doesn’t ? but I really do. ;)
Bonus: save your unsolicited advice for a few things you really feel insightful about or are important enough to mention. I really, really don't like unsolicited advice. Even if I love the hell out of you - seriously. can it. You know who you are. Kthxbye.
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn-offs.
Day Eight: Three turn-ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession.
friends like family,
me me!