brokedown temple - update

Aug 14, 2010 09:44

So it's been a month(ish) since we figured out that my daily migraines were being caused by allergies to dust, mold, and pet dander. Or, rather, the undiagnosed allergies caused chronic sinusitis (we're talking at least five years) which triggered sinus-migraines. Or something like that.

I was never a great cleaner. I was a great at moving objects around and making it look as if I cleaned, for company's sake, but never deep-down and never with any regularity. Now, I clean twice a week.

The bedroom is the main target. The God-King pulled up the carpet and we bought hypoallergenic pillows and pillowcases. (We also brought a humidifier in there, though it hasn't seen much use what with all the crazy August humidity we've been having.) The cat has been banned (much to her dismay.) Every Sunday the sheets get washed in hot water and the room gets dusted and vacuumed from top to bottom.

The rest of the house is less regular, but I try to do something every Wednesday. I've been using mold-inhibiter in the shower and keeping windows open to cut down on the humidity in there. I'm slowly getting rid of a lot of the dust-collecting clutter, cloths, blankets, etc. I've started emptying the cat litter (twice a week) outside, so the dust doesn't get kicked up in the house.

It's hard to say yet whether this is helping. I mean, it must be - the one time I let the cat litter go for a whole week I could tell it was making me worse. I *think* that my energy level is slightly higher. But sometimes it isn't. But that could be related to other things.

I've drastically cut back on the painkillers. Cold turkey was too much, so I've been taking one or half of one tablet when the symptoms get to be more than I can handle. Sometimes I make it through a whole day without one, sometimes I don't make it through lunch. Trouble is the pills cause feedback headaches now that are almost as bad as the sinus migraines, so I can't really be sure how I'm feeling or why anymore. But I think I feel better.

I'd like to start focusing on my weight, which has gotten out of hand. Every time I get sick or injure myself I add on another five pounds, permanently, so that now I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight. So disappointing. I look at pictures of myself from two years ago, when the headaches started, and it makes me so sad. For the first time in my life I was actually happy with how I looked. I felt healthy and strong and confident. Fucking headaches took all that from me.

But it's hard to imagine doing the work that it will take to get me back to that level. Diet isn't going to do it - diet is only a tool to maintain the weight I'm at. It never works to lose. But with the constant stress of being with The Boy - not to mention a broken foot that won't heal (oh yes, did I forget to mention? my progress is slowed and the doctor is worried I might be stuck with a bum foot at 33? grand.)

Then again, I felt overwhelmed at the thought of a regular cleaning regimen, and I'm managing. Not great, but I've made strides. So maybe we can start taking little walks, as a family. Make it a regular thing, go from there.

Anyway, that's where I'm at.
How are you feeling these days?

brokedown temple

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