Dear Kinglet,

Jan 03, 2009 09:35

The other day I was telling your Mom Mom about something funny you did (I forget what), and she said "You should really keep a journal of these things. I always meant to, but I never did, and now I can't remember which kid did what."

I've always meant to do that, too, and now you are two and half. You change and grow so fast, and those little habits that are so endearing that I think will last forever somehow fade away before I've had a chance to immortalize them. Life is so fast-paced these days; it's hard to do anything consistently when you are raising a two-and-a-half-year-old.

So... I've decided to chronicle what you are like here in livejournal. It's like a journal, but it's live - that is, it's online, it's in front of my eyes every day as I do other things, the things people pay me for. When I'm pushing paperwork or sorting numbers, it's easy to pull up a screen and type a thought before I lose it. Often that thought is you. Maybe it's because you are the wallpaper on my PC, or because you are the star of 90% of the photos in my slideshow screensaver.

Or maybe it's just because you are my world and I adore you.

Maybe, if you get to read these some day, you'll get a glimpse into your childhood beyond what you can see in pictures, something more immediate than whatever fragments remain in people's memories to weave back into stories.

And maybe, in the telling, you'll get a glimpse into your mother, too.

So, for our first entry:

This is the picture I have as my background on my work computer.

This is important because that face you are making is one of the first things about you that I have loved and lost. I called it your "scrunch face". You did it while you were sleeping, and when you woke up and stretched your little body. There was a head-motion that went with it, sort of like a stretch for the face. It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen, and I wished that you would still be doing it when you were thirty so I could say "awwwww" and embarrass you.

But you don't do it any more.

what you are like, raising kinglet

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