Nov 26, 2008 09:18
1. run into Boy's room at 6AM to investigate choking sounds. give boy water. return to bed.
2. run into Boy's room at 7AM. witness dry heaves. Rush Boy to bathroom, where boy curls up on the floor mat and begins to sing.
3. Go downstairs. combine dry brining ingredients with water and wait for it to boil. and wait some more. Boy, that's a lot of water.
4. Serve breakfast, which Boy will not eat. Watch SuperWhy and work on novel.
5. When water is finally boiling, reduce to a simmer. Contemplate the word "simmer". It's a nice word, don't you think? Evocative. Flexible.
6. Pack Boy's things for day care. Watch boy vomit on kitchen floor. Cancel day care.
7. Clean kitchen floor and Boy. Call into work and make arrangements for Things That Must be Done. Remove brining liquid from heat and set outside to cool. Take a shower.
8. Set Boy in front of TV. Goddess bless Sesame Street. Check on brining liquid - still steaming. Boy that's a lot of water.
9. Pour third cup of coffee and update livejournal.
please stay tuned...
raising kinglet,