Apr 26, 2007 19:11
What’s easier for you to write, poetry or prose?
Poetry is easier, by far. With fiction, there’s so much to consider, so many details, and it all has to tie together in the end. The same is true with poetry, to a degree, but there’s more freedom in poetry. Poetry also tends to come to me in flashes - the pen just does its own thing, and my only job is to edit once the inspiration has passed. Prose is much more labor intensive, from start to finish.
Did you always want to be a writer?
Since I was about 8, yeah.
Besides writing, what other talents do you possess?
I’m excellent at paperwork! I can carry a tune. I can cook. I read tarot cards and cast astrological charts. I’m fairly empathic. I’m a whiz on an adding machine and a killer die-roller in Trivia Pursuit. And I can make milk come out of my bewbies.
What talent do you wish you had?
I wish I could Sing (with a capital S).
Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, why? If no, why not?
Often, yes, but it has to be something in keeping with the theme of what I’m writing. Otherwise it tends to distract me. Though some artists are good background music, like Norah Jones.
Do you instill your beliefs into your characters?
That’s really hard to say. It depends on what kind of beliefs, which characters, what circumstances they find themselves in. Sometimes it just doesn’t come up.
How much of your personality can be found in your characters?
Bits of me are in most of my characters, I think that’s inevitable. I can relate to something in all of them. But they have their own drives and impulses, their own histories and relationships. I guess characters may start from a spark of something inside me, but they develop lives of their own, in their own way.
How would you like others to remember you?
It’s important to me that I live with integrity. I hope that’s something people will remember, that I meant what I said, stood up for what I believed in, never let fear stand in the way of what I want or what I think is right. I’d like to be remembered as someone talented, truthful, spiritual. I’d like people to remember the love that I have in my heart.
What was your favorite book as a child?
Gods, there were so many. “Thomasina” by Paul Gallico was one. “Where the Sidewalk Ends” by Shel Silverstein. I was big into Steven King at an early age.
Favorite book as a teenager?
“The Mists of Avalon”
Favorite book now?
The last really good book I read was “The Time Travellers Wife”.
Use three words to describe yourself.
Emotional. Intelligent. Mouthy.
Use three words you think other people use to describe you.
Hardworking. Intelligent. Difficult.
If you were a song, which one would you be?
“Swan Dive” by Ani Difranco
What book do you wish you had written?
“The Lovely Bones”.
What country would you like to visit?
Ireland, hands down.
What genre to you love to write?
What genre is a challenge for you?
Erotica. I feel the urge to “cut away”.
What canceled show do you wish they’d bring back?
“Dead Like Me”
If you were trapped in a deserted island, what fictional character would you want with you?
Um, Superman, so he could fly me home.
If you were a tarot card which one would you be and why?
Right now I am The Empress. She is Mother, Wife, Sovereign. She rules physicality, wealth, affection, and power.
If your life could be summed up into one tarot card which one would it be?
I’m thinking maybe The Magician. I was born with many gifts, including spiritual gifts, and I often find myself in the position of Priestess, but I’m not a true leader. I’m more of an artisan, working in her own corner. I have a compulsion to transform my experiences into works of beauty.
What’s your favorite fruit?
If you were a superhero what would be your superpower?
Hypothetical Girl has the power to warp space and time with her mind-blowing questions.
What’s your favorite curse word?
Fuck. Oh, fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck.
Five things you want to do before you die.
Go to Ireland.
Write professionally (and get paid for it).
Buy the house of my dreams.
Learn to throw pottery.
See my children grow into happy, healthy, successful adults.
me me!,