The art bunny bit me. Not my fanchar, but I got inspired

Jul 29, 2015 15:04

some art I did night before last.
This is Tahalli's fancharacter, not mine.
Dunno why this particular art bunny bit me. I think it's because i went outside and this one cloud was perfectly shaped like a lung dragon with euroupean/American dragon wings. I could instantly see it in my mind. The actual dragon, I mean.
The wings were slightly smaller than regular American/European dragon wings because of the lung (oriental) dragon in the mix.
I also realized afterward that Dragonsbane has horns, not a ridge. My apologies for the mixup. I'll fix it once i get it scanned. I don't want to change the original.
By the way, does anyone else want fanart of their fanchar done?
Im bored and I'll do it for free. Just reply here.
If you have a concept, just drop a link in your reply.
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