yup. I'm doing it.

Jan 18, 2014 04:19

I read about three of these prompts (pre-listed), and started laughing. I think this is going to be fun. :-)

Signature Roar
Grow a Pair
Lawful Stupid
Chronic Hero Syndrome
No Sense of Humor

Always Prepared
Hates Being Touched
Fatal Flaw
Hidden Depths
Villain Has a Point

No Talent But High Hopes
Dark and Troubled Past
Going Down with the Ship

Embarrassing Nickname
Cute Bookworm
Cop on the Take
Raised by Wolves
Machine Empathy

Holiness Burns Evil
Undying Loyalty
Jane of All Trades
Beware the Honest Ones
All Work vs. All Play

My favorites being "lawful stupid", which I read and my mind went "lawfully stupid, oh holy crap, that's a lot of people. snerk snerk snerk."
and "the villan has a point". man, the day Megatron actually soounds like the one with common sense is the day the universe goes to the pit...
and I'm so not going to let the bunnies out on that one by thinking on it any more. mwuhahaha.

Anyone want to randomly pick a prompt for me to write first? just a prompt, no parameters.

EDIT: forgot "no talent but high hopes".  :-D  love it.

bingo meme

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