A Circle Can't Fit Where a Square Should Be (Extreme fic)

Sep 28, 2010 12:59

Rating: NC-17.
Pairing: Gary Cherone/Nuno Bettencourt. Yes, that was what I meant with Extreme fic.
Disclaimer: False, though inspired in Extreme's interview at That Metal Show. You can watch that episode here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpFJD8EPxxc
Summary: Ever wonder why Extreme reunited? Somewhat PWP and fluffy.

Nuno sat at the bed at the hotel room, chilling out after the interview. His faithful guitar was at his side. He took it, letting his black locks fall all over it, and started playing some random notes on it, but, eventually, his fingers drifted off to that tune he knew just too well.
And, from the bathroom, that voice he knew just too well picked up the lyrics:

Saying I love you, it's not the words I want to hear from you...

But eventually, that voice cracked up in laughter, so Nuno interrupted his playing, and raised his head. Standing in front of him, a smiling and half-naked Gary Cherone was staring.
"Seriously, that song?" was what the vocalist said, showing off pearl-white teeth. Nuno guessed he must have been washing his teeth at the bathroom.
"Yeah," Nuno smiled and put the guitar aside. "Instant classic. Everybody loves it." He laughed too, thinking about darker days past. "Even us."
"That's true," Gary sat by the guitarist's side. "I wonder why we hated it before."
"Maybe because we were worried we'd go down in history as a one-hit wonder with a sappy ballad?"
Gary did the horns. "Yeah... we were a rock band! We needed something harder than that to stay in our fans' minds!"
"Though... that ballad gave us the money, and the chicks..."
"And nearly tore us apart."
Nuno turned to face the vocalist.
"You know what really pissed me off?" he started. "When I was listening to the song and we were a band stuck in the mud, I could only think about how I hated the fucking ballad, and how I hated the fucking teenies that surely listened to it everyday, and the fucking couples that would dance it on their wedding day... but, after we split... I fucking hated the fact that song made me think of you."
Gary sided closer to Nuno and started nibbling his earlobe.
"And that was when you said... 'I want Extreme back'? It wasn't because of the fans?" His voice was husky and already inflamed with desire.
"Well... yes..." Nuno replied, among breaths. "The fans... let's say... they helped me realize the obvious."
"If you missed me so badly," Gary continued, between nibbles, "you should have actually let me camp on your lawn."
The guitarist laughed and pushed Gary playfully aside.
"What?" Gary's voice sounded high-pitched and funny.
"Yeah, sure!"
"What?" Gary yelled yet again. "Some rough sex, on the lawn? Wouldn't you have liked that? Or are you one of those people who can't stand seeing their garden ruined?"
Nuno walked over to the vocalist and kissed him softly.
"Stop shouting. Somebody's gonna find out about us."
"Don't put the blame on me," Gary retorted. "You showed too much love at the show. 'Oh guys, Gary's better than rock idols David Lee Roth and Sammy Hagar'. You only missed adding 'I love him and he's fucking me'."
Nuno kissed him again. This time, the kiss was more passionate.
"At least, I know you're better than them in bed."
Gary smiled naughtily.
"You don't know that."
"Oh?" the guitarist walked to the bed and threw a pillow at Gary. "Don't tell me you fucked them while hanging around with Van Halen!"
"Oh yeah," the vocalist answered. "And Eddie too. God, can he use those fingers."
"You wish," Nuno spat, and laid on the bed. "Go and dream with Eddie's fingers. No sex for you tonight."
Gary, still laughing, laid down on the bed next to the guitarist, facing his back. "You know I'm just kidding."
"Not until you admit you thought about me too every time you listened to 'More than Words'. Going to the supermarket was fuckin' hard, you know. They always play the goddamn song."
Gary was silent for a moment, and finally said:
"Actually, I didn't."
Nuno turned around to face him. Now he looked faintly hurt. But Gary placed a small, loving kiss on his lips.
"You know I always preferred 'Holehearted'."
Nuno's eyes changed from hurt to quizzical.
"Yeah," Gary went on, his voice lowered to almost a whisper, his lips nearly brushing the guitarist's face. "At first, I tried to forget you. I really did. With groupies... girls, guys... but it just didn't work. The song is right. A circle just can't fit where a square should be."
"So..." Nuno whispered back, "are you back to square one?"
"Yes. You're square one... you've always been my number one."
They kissed, feverishly, again. Gary was glad he had taken a shower and had come out wearing nothing but jeans. He was all ready. His erection was already starting to fight against the fabric. Nuno could certainly see that when he slid his lover's pants down.
"Commando?" he stared at the vocalist's erection.
"I was going to look for clean boxers," was the reply.
"You should have left the shower naked."
"Don't you tell me that. Mind you, you're still dressed."
"Well," Nuno narrowed his eyes with lust. "Help me."
As the guitarist kicked his sneakers off, Gary removed his t-shirt, his jeans, and his underwear... and didn't bother to come back up after that. Instead, he placed his lips around the head of Nuno's stiff shaft, and started licking it.
The guitarist began purring with pleasure. After their comeback, they had just spent so much time at the studio. They hadn't had time for themselves, time to share with each other.  
And now, it was their time to enjoy... deeply...
He gasped when Gary deep-throated the length. Good Lord. It had certainly been too long. In fact, Nuno hadn't had much of a sex life after Extreme. Not because he had been considered unattractive--hell, he was still good-looking, dammit. No. It was just that everything seemed to relate to Extreme. Groupies who had fucked him or wanted to when he played with Satellite Party had eventually asked about a Extreme reunion, and with Extreme there was Gary, and Nuno would lose his sex drive altogether when thinking about the vocalist. Fans who met him in the street and asked him for a kiss or an autograph also asked about Extreme, and Nuno would suddenly see Gary's face in front of him. Even teenies who had tried to show their friends they were wise beyond their years, when he had played with Rihanna. They had walked on to him, and, all of them, unfailingly, had said: "Extreme? Oh, I LOVE 'More than Words'!" And Nuno just couldn't stop reminiscing about Gary, Gary, who was now pushing him with tongue-strokes closer to the edge, who was about to send him to his climax...
He came, coating the singer's vocal chords with his cum. God, it felt good. It felt so good. Yet, what didn't feel that good was when Gary, his fingers lubricated only with Nuno's fluids, slid a finger inside the guitarist's opening, who mewed, uncomfortably.
"Has been a long time with you, huh?" Gary teased.
"I was luckier with girls," Nuno retorted.
"Five star hotel, surely they have body lotion." And, with that, the singer ran as fast as he could to the bathroom, hoping that interlude did not ruin the atmosphere. He must have been fast, for, when he returned to the bedroom, clutching a lotion bottle as if it had been a precious treasure, Nuno giggled,
"Impatient, are you? I was not going to run away."
"Who knows?" the vocalist answered, coating his fingers with the lube, and slowly pushing one inside Nuno's tightness. And Nuno remembered, when they were younger, how, precisely, after shooting the video for "More than Words", they had kissed, and touched, and hadn't been able to let each other go, and how he had yielded himself to his vocalist, to Gary...
"Feels like the first time, huh?" Gary said, as if he had read the guitarist's mind, half-singing, with a reference to Foreigner's song. Now a second finger was going in. 
"Great song, that one..." Nuno was slowly adjusting again to the invasion, panting and whimpering. Yet, he could not hide the fact he had missed this kind of pleasure. Pain was nothing compared to what would come next.
More lube. In went three fingers, and quickly Gary coated his shaft too with lotion, and replaced the digits with the head.
Nuno sighed, but his breath was caught into his lover's lips, in a tender kiss. The vocalist broke it, and ran his hand through the long, black hair of the man before him, who was already trembling with anticipation of what was to come next.
"Ready, love?"
"Always ready."
Gary kissed Nuno passionately as he buried himself completely into him. The movements of their tongues kept the long-haired man from screaming in a mix of pain and pleasure. God, please, let me never wait this long for Gary again, please...
The vocalist, for his part, looked as if he wanted to swallow his guitarist whole. He only stopped the kissing in order to take short, necessary breaths, but once again resumed it, with renewed ardor. While one of his hands caressed Nuno's face, hair, and the nape of his neck, another traveled down the slender body, through the chest, brushing the navel, until he found, once again, the other man's pubis and shaft. He was glad when he saw the friction their skins were creating was already arising the sensitive organ. So he cupped it with his hand. It wouldn't be long before Nuno was all hard again.
Nuno, meanwhile, was lost for words. He wanted to call out Gary's name, but the kissing, Gary's thrusts, and his hand on his shaft were just too much. So that was what we meant with more than words, now I can't find any. He laughed a small, breathy laugh in his lover's mouth and broke the kiss.
"What is it, babe?" Gary said, panting. 
Nuno decided it was a long story, so, instead, he answered: "Gary... faster."
The vocalist smiled, happy to comply, and he sped up, biting his lover's shoulder in his mixture of love and lust. And now Nuno found the words, and screamed, and cursed, and buried his nails on Gary's back, while repeating, over and over again, like a mantra, that name that had haunted him for all those years they had been apart. Gary's name.
He had a second orgasm, that exploded all over the short-haired man's hand. And Gary came into him, filled him with his seed, before tumbling down on top of him, sweaty, his heart racing, his head throbbing from mere, inmense pleasure.
They stayed like that for a while, trying to catch their breaths and their brains back. Gary moved first. He began withdrawing from Nuno's hole, slowly and gently, but the guitarist stopped him.
"Don't take it out. Come here."
Gary, still inside the long-haired man, pulled himself a little higher, until they were face to face. Nuno gave him a soft, tender kiss.
"'Holehearted' was right," he smiled, as he patted the vocalist's butt. "You were made to fit into me... and a circle can't fit where a square should be."
"Don't call my dick 'square'," Gary laughed. 
"In that case..." Nuno thought for a second, and smiled broadly again, "there's a hole in my heart... and lower... that can only be filled by you."
Gary laid his head on Nuno's chest. "Now that ballad is tainted for me. I'll never feel the same when I sing it."
"You said it reminded you of me."
Gary laid one finger, gently, on Nuno's lips. 
"More than words. Don't talk, love, don't talk..."


band: extreme, character: nuno bettencourt, character: gary cherone, fandom: rock music

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