So, in an effort to get myself to post more, I'm doing
snowflake_challenge. Day 1's challenge is this: In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator.
This is kind of hard for me, because, despite almost 20 years in fandom (oh god), I, uh, haven't actually created that much. Plus, most people seem to be doing a 2012 retrospective, but, counting the ones I wrote for the holiday fests, I only wrote a grand total of seven things this year (and two of them I think are honestly pretty terrible). So have a much broader take on it, from someone for whom seven things is actually a super active year.
Untitled (HP/Due South). This is a completely ridiculous little Harry Potter/Due South fic I tossed off one morning in 2004. It's 316 words, was never beta'ed, and is, you know, ridiculous. But it still amuses me and I'm just oddly fond of it.
A Picspam (Bandom). When I was in Bandom, picspams were sort of my thing (seriously, I made a ton of them), but this one from early 2008 is, I think, is my favorite. It doesn't really have a connecting theme, unlike most of the ones I made - it's just a multi-band post of a whole bunch of photographs that I really honestly loved, for one reason or another. But for whatever reason, it's stuck with me.
Freedom's Chance (Stargate Atlantis). I'm sort of ridiculously proud of this fic. I actually wrote and finished a 20k fic! Me! The non-creator! And people seemed to like it! I still really love the worldbuilding in this, and all the weirdly hard sf touches my space opera ended up getting (apparently in my mind the amount of gravity on a moon is important). There are things in it I would change, but I'm still just kind of amazed that I actually wrote that.
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