Another Road

Jun 30, 2012 23:58

I finished my reversebang! Uh, barely. I may be sneaking back in to edit it after this. Note to self: procrastination is bad.

This fic was written for the 2012 SGA Reversebang and is based on fantastic art by
nickygabriel, which can be found here.

Title: Another Road
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis and Stargate SG-1
Rating: G
Pairing/Character: Mostly Sam-centric gen, could be read as Sam/Jack. Also mentions of Steen!Elizabeth/OFC.
Words: A little over 10,000
Warning: None
Notes: As per the art, this story features Elizabeth Weir as portrayed by Jessica Steen in the SG-1 two-parter "Lost City", who I'm treating as a slightly different character.
Summary: Sam's going to do whatever it takes to save Jack. Even if that means going to another galaxy.

Read Another Road on AO3

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