(no subject)

Jun 24, 2012 01:09

Things I need to do:

1) Finish this fic.

2) Make myself delete some music. I have almost 250 GB of music on my computer, and absolutely none of it is flac. This is getting ridiculous. Clementine tells me this is about four months worth of music, which just, what. Does anyone want some music? I have lots of folk rock, ambient, electronica, and "world", if you're into any of those things.

2b) Introduce everyone to this awesome band I discovered, Altan Urag. Okay, so I'm late to the party, but whatever. They're Mongolian folk rock, but they're almost more... folk metal? Is that a thing? I really like them. I have finally found the thing to make me like throat singing. (I think this means I have to revise the list of musical styles I actively don't like down to Italian Opera, Hardcore, and romantic easy listening.)

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And now everyone is very confused by my musical taste.

3) Finish this fic.

4) Clean out my closet.

5) Find a fucking job.

6) Finish this fic.

7) Decide if I'm going back to community college this fall due to the lack of a job thing.

8) Stop fucking lurking. Post more than once a month.

9) Leave my apartment sometimes.

10) Stop procrastinating and FINISH THIS THING.

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