Today's my 7th LJ anniversary, which is kind of ridiculous. I'm celebrating by giving my LJ a
new color scheme I'm not sure yet if I like (of course, I'd had the previous one for close to two years), and a picspam since I haven't done in forever.
Fall Out Boy, you're still my favorites.
I mean, you have it all.
Adorable people!
Hot people!
Pretty tattoos!
Pretty Joe Trohmans!
Pete Wentz, lobbyist!
Pretty boyfriends best friends!
Random performances in boxers!
Embarrassing high school pictures!
Stage gay!
Happy people!
Not so happy people! Somebody give Joe a hug. :(
Yay! \o/
Nearly naked people! Jesus Christ Andy Hurley.
And actual naked people, but I'm not posting that one!
People who actually wear the same hats for years!
...Pete Wentz!
Who is secretly three!
But also a daddy! One day Bronx will see this picture and be so incredibly jealous.
Ridiculously hot people! Get in my bed, Ashlee Wentz.
Lovable douches!
Patrick Mother-Fucking Stump!
Amazing 8th grade yearbook photos!
Home lives we can all relate to!
Happy directors wearing hunting caps!
Attempted bass-playing!
Sno-Cone Machines!
Failed trips to Antarctica!
The best hair in the universe!
Random tv appearances!
Tired new mommys!
Politics! with Andy's dick!
Marathon radio interviews!
Happy married people!
♥ My band. Favorites forever.