(no subject)

Jun 01, 2007 21:03

Because cheshireempress told me I should post it and I talk her into posting things all the time, I bring you short, emo bandslash chatfic.

CristinAnne: It. I sort of want to write a fic where Patrick is jealous of Mikey not because Mikey is *fucking* Pete, but because Patrick feels like Mikey is taking Pete away from him.
CristinAnne: And not because of the sex.
CristinAnne: Like, it. Like they were best friends, and now Pete is with Mikey all the time and Patrick has to wander around by himself and he's started going to *wine tastings* and coming back *wasted* and Pete hasn't even *noticed*.
CheshireEmpress: *nodNOD*
CristinAnne: And Patrick is all bitter.
CristinAnne: And Andy and Joe are all worried about him, because it's *Patrick* and he's off *getting wasted* and Pete isn't here.
CheshireEmpress: Oooh, yes.
CristinAnne: (...god, the canon really does support Patrick being kind of bitter that summer, doesn't it. Pete has his Summer of Like, Patrick has his Summer of Wine Tastings.)

And, like, Gerard finds Patrick puking behind a bus. And gets all worried.

And he goes back into his bus and gets Pete and Pete is like "...wait, Patrick is *drinking*?" and Gerard kind of stares at him and goes "...he's been doing this for weeks. What kind of friend are you?" And Pete kind of says quietly "...I've been with Mikey?" And Gerard is like desperately trying not to hit him. Because Mikey would be sad.

But he doesn't quite resist hard enough and he slaps Pete upside the head and takes Patrick back to the FOB bus and sits on the bunk with him. And he can hear Andy and Joe talking to Pete who sounds contrite but Andy and Joe sound *pissed* and they're all not going to let him back to the bunks. Because he hasn't been back to the FOB bus to sleep in weeks anyway.

Gerard is just sort of petting Patrick's hair like he does when Mikey's out of sorts and when Patrick snuffles into his leg he doesn't say anything and just keeps petting him. Because Gerard totally knows what it's like to feel like the people that matter have completely abandoned you and to turn to something else instead. And, like, it's not sexual at all. Patrick is drunk out of his mind and Gerard really is kind of thinking of him as a little brother right now. Who just needs some comforting.

He can tell that Patrick is crying a little, because he's snuffling and Gerard's pant leg is getting wet, but Gerard doesn't say anything because Patrick is still pretty drunk and he doesn't really feel he knows Patrick well enough to try and talk him through the stuff with Pete. And then Patrick says really quietly "He hadn't even noticed I was *gone*" and Gerard feels his heart kind of break. Because he knows Patrick, he's known a 100 Patricks, and they're the people who if they don't find those one or two tried and true friends to pull them out they go further and further into themselves and into self-destructive patterns.

And Gerard just wants to get up and bang Pete's head against a wall. He even gets a short-lived urge to slap *Mikey* for not noticing it was going on. Which he totally can't ever do. But he thinks that he might have to sit Mikey down and talk to him and ask him wtf he was thinking, because Mikey's known tons of Patricks too. But he just sort of keeps petting Patrick's hair and says "Shh, it'll be okay." until Patrick falls into that heavy sleep of the drunk, and Gerard's not sure he's even going to remember this in the morning.

And he pulls off Patrick's shoes and grabs the hat that long ago fell onto the bed and puts them off to the side and pulls a blanket over him and kisses his forehead. And Patrick bats his hand and rolls over and Gerard kind of smiles and then closes the curtain.

And then he storms up to the front lounge, where he finds that Andy and Joe have stopped yelling and Joe is apparently trying to comfort a crying Pete and he just can't stop himself and he goes over and he just punches Pete in the face. Joe is like "...dude, no." but Andy totally gets it and doesn't move to stop him, because he knows that Gerard just had to get it out because Andy's been tempted to do that all week.

Pete kind of stares at Gerard in shock, because this is *Gerard* who giggles at him and Mikey and watches comicbook movies while laying half on top of Frank with his feet in Bob's lap. And Gerard just stares at Pete and says "Don't you *ever* do that to him again. Ever. And you are not sleeping on our bus again until you *fix* this."

And Pete really is feeling *horribly* right now. He hadn't meant to ignore Patrick, he hadn't even realized he was *doing* it and now he feels like complete and utter shit because he loves Patrick so incredibly much, and Patrick is like his *soulmate*, the Silent Bob to his Jay. And he really likes Mikey - he really likes him a *lot*, he's a great guy, a totally sweet little dude, and he's fun to be around and he gives *amazing* head. But Mikey isn't Patrick, and he and Mikey both know it's not going to last forever. That it's probably not even going to last past the tour.

So Pete just kind of nods his head and leans back into Joe and Gerard stares at him and says "I'll tell Mikey you won't be back tonight."

And when Patrick wakes up the next morning with a screaming headache, Pete is curled up next to him in the bunk, his arms wrapped tight around Patrick's waist, fast asleep.

CristinAnne: Um. The end? Because I have no idea how to, like, make it better. It will be a long process, I guess.
CristinAnne: But Pete's totally started.


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