Title: why do you make it hard to love you (part two)
sweetiejellyRating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Everything you are about to read is not real. Fiction, kids. Which means I'm just one big liar. So no offense meant and ohmygod don't sue, plz! I kinda like my things and want to keep them, thanks.
Characters/Pairings: Van/Jake
Word Count: 10.3k
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I've already told you how much I love the pulls back to today, the slow unfolding, not unlike the whole newspaper opening metaphor. And I have to tell you, I love how you ended with tomorrow. Well, of course. Their story goes on. Love that.
Also, it's an Ella word but your sexpertise also shines through. Guh. Just GUH.
Mezz quoted a lot of what I love, but I just also wanted to quote this too:
He takes a brief moment and breathes in the crisp air. He loves so many things about living in Los Angles but nothing will ever come close to these moments for him. These small moments of coming back and breathing in New York, getting the energy reacquainted with your veins as the air fills you up. It’s alive and beautiful and gritty. It’s power that comes from always being a New Yorker no matter where you live.
It’s coming home.
I really liked that for some reason. I think it's that it's true wherever your home is. The place of things just evoke so much.
So, in conclusion, I'm terribly behind on reading BBs (still) but I am not sorry I read this one out of order! ♥
Anyway, that's to say that this all meant a lot. I know how patient you were because I was so last minute (ha!) and I was nervous for you to read this but you're amazing, and this is lovely and just thank you so much for it all.
And it's funny because sometimes I worry about the run-on thing (not in a grammar sense, just a flow or style thing) so that actually meant a lot to have you say that.
Gah, thank you! So happy you liked it and gosh, so behind myself with reading. Slowly getting there because so many fics! But love you and thank you again for the beautiful art to go with this.
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