It's been a crazy emotional day, everything and everyone is heighten after hearing the news last night. And while I knew what some reactions would be I had hoped America would be given a moment for this, for something that's been ten years long in coming. But alas in the digital age everything is instant.
carolinablu85 posted this kickass comment on FB
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But I tell you this often enough I think, so you know that.
I do feel like I've missed something though. I don't know if I'm just ignoring all the right things, or if I'm not reading enough, or if maybe I'm just lucky enough to have a FB feed where no one is saying crap I can't handle, but it makes me sad that you're so frustrated. :(
It's not that I don't know people exist that took this event and turned it sour, I'm aware of that. But after last night, and into today, I still have a sense that for the most part, people are feeling hopeful.
Am I just lucky then? I just want to take EVERYONE that's been frustrated today (because I've seen many, many of you guys make comments) and squeeze you and tell you there's enough of us that they don't matter today. Because they don't. There's still a nation of people, spread all across the US, that feel the same way you do.
During that family fighting that was going on on FB (I told you about that I'm pretty sure), I ended up making a comment to my cousin that the people who were frustrating her were just riddled with negativity, and I honestly believe it's contagious, and I wished she would be careful not to let it get her too. And that all you have to do is acknowledge that and you can avoid being drawn in.
I'm going to approach this situation with that as well, and like you've done with what you wrote above. I'm going to acknolwedge that the nasty type of thinking some people have turned this into is an epidemic and I won't let myself be dragged down into it. They frustrate me and make me mad, but that's normal. What's not normal is letting it override your goddamn common sense. Which people these days seem to be sorely lacking.
Anyway, I'm gonna quit blabbing. But if you need to vent about something specific, you know where to find me! Because I really am sad to think you might be this frustrated over something in particular. If it's not, then I just say another wuuuuurd to what you wrote, and you rock in general. And you do, feel, think whatever the heck you want with this situation. I just feel like this is one of those times when it honest to God doesn't matter if there are naysayers. Who gives a fuck? People are happy, enough to go dancing into the streets, the economy jumped, we have one less bad man in the world. That's an okay day in my book.
And I'll message more! But am good, promise. Just mostly thinky thoughts based on multiple things.
But you're right, overall the feeling has been hopeful today. And you did tell me about your FB family drama (duh :P) and that is so true about it being contagious and that happens in many aspects of life. And you can't give in to that.
And it doesn't matter, absolutely. He's still dead in the end and I'm good with that.
Love you. ♥
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