AU has a broad variety of meanings. I don't think stall!sex (which, umm, YUM) post Reg's death would be AU, but if the boys meet at WOAK and Noah is the gay one and Luke is thinking he might be straight or pretending to be or what have you, that could make it AU.
If you don't mind PMing me, i'll give you my opinion, or I would ask Moey/Che about it. See who determines what is/isn't AU.
You mean PM the fic I'm talking about? I can do that. Because it's tagged AU on the comm but I just don't think that it is. But maybe I'm wrong. I mean totally wouldn't be the first time, ha!
If you don't mind PMing me, i'll give you my opinion, or I would ask Moey/Che about it. See who determines what is/isn't AU.
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