Marry/Shag/Throw off Cliff Meme

Apr 18, 2009 17:10

So sweetiejelly did this and then asked if anyone wanted three names. And I said sure!

And then promptly forgot. Why? Because I ROCK. *facepalm*

1) Comment to this and I will give you 3 people.
2) Post this meme with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of 3 people.
4) Label which you would marry, shag, and throw off a cliff.

So I got Jake, Jason and Agim.


Okay. *shuffles and gets serious*

That? Is Jason aka Java!Jeff. And, um, his little tush gets thrown off the cliff. Sorry, bb! But you work on a soap so, you know, no worries. ;)

Jake! Jake I picked to shag. And if you need a reason beyond that plz feel free to defriend because HOLY FUCK you need to best be getting out of my LJ.

Just sayin'

Ah, Agim. Agim I picked to marry. Why you ask? Because the meme differentiated between marry and have sexytiems with and duh on who was gonna get my pick to enjoy that activity with. Besides Agim is an artist, I love artists, and our house would be filled with pretty pretty art and we could screw whoever we wanted to. And I could still stare at that *points above* everyday.

And why no I didn't pick all naked!chests pics on purpose! *bats eyelashes*

meme, random

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