I posted this in FB, but I'm spreading it around. This is so easy!
If your cell phone carrier is Verizon, T Mobile, or AT&T, you can text 'Haiti' to 90999 (you will receive a confirmation message) and a $10 donation to Red Cross Int'l will be added to your bill.
I just did it, It's nearly instantaneous, and all you have to do is 13 keystrokes. This is so easy to do, and every little bit counts. And 100%(!) of your donation goes to the Red Cross, which is unusual when you deal with a 2nd party while making donations. Of course, you can always donate directly to charity, here are a few addresses to get you started:
Red Cross International World Vision Also, if you're not sure what I posted about the texts are real, here is a link to the news report which I saw which brought it to my attention: