The Week From Hell

Nov 10, 2006 17:24

This week has just been too much and somehow I'm on the verge of tears and have no idea why. Or rather, I do know why, but if I try to explain it I really will be in tears. Suffice it to say my dad is being insufferable and won't take me seriously when I say I'm exhausted. Nobody in my family ever takes me seriously. I always tell them I'm exhausted or I feel like my mind is falling to pieces when I get home or something like that and god forbid it actually be the truth. No, it's just an excuse to them. I must be making it up, I couldn't possibly be in distress. It puts me in such a fuck-everyone mood.

Well fuck, here come the tears.

It's just gotten to the point where I wanna curl up and die so I don't have to deal with it anymore. It's emo I know, but that's where I'm at right now. And now I have three things due last week that I have to get done for next week since I couldn't manage before because of the completely non-existant exhaustion I couldn't POSSIBLY be suffering from since working hard all weekend and then walking from the school to my house with a 50 lb school bag over my shoulder. Not to mention the issue with the twins who are getting upset over nothing and ignoring me for two class periods.

Fuck everyone

I need a hug

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