Apr 02, 2014 20:47
So a guy from UT, a guy from Baylor, and an Aggie were all going to a big sports event, but they realized when they got there that they'd all left their passes at home.
But the Longhorn has an idea! He goes back to his car, changes into his gym clothes, grabs his bowling ball, and goes up to the guard by the participants' entrance; when the guard stops him and asks for ID, he shows the ball and says, "University of Texas, shotput." The guard thinks this sounds reasonable and lets him in.
Wow, says the guy from Baylor, that was clever. So he goes back to his car, changes into his gym clothes, grabs his Frisbee, and goes up to the same guard; when the guard stops him, he says, "Baylor University, discus." And the guard lets him in too.
The Aggie, watching this, is really impressed with the cleverness the others have shown, and decides he needs to do the same. Thus, he goes back to his pickup truck and gets a huge roll of chicken wire out of the back, then carries it up to the guard. When asked for identification, he says, "Texas A&M, fencing."
somehow related to me,