Let's gather up some dates and make some timelines, shall we?
-first church established for homosexuals - Liberal Catholic Church (Sydney, Australia) by Charles Webster Leadbeater, ex-Anglican and Theosophist accused of molesting young boys
smaller movements: 'In 1946, Archbishop George Hyde of the Eucharistic Catholic Communion (a small denomination not in union with the Roman Catholic Church) celebrated mass for gay men in Atlanta. In 1956, the Church of ONE Brotherhood was founded in Los Angeles by homophile activist Chuck Rowland. In 1959, ministers at the Glide Memorial Methodist Church in San Francisco were instrumental in forming the Council on Religion and the Homosexual, which worked to end police harassment of gay men and lesbians. In 1962, a Congregationalist pastor began an overt pastoral ministry to gay people in New York City. '
early 1960s
-Perry defrocked as a Penetcostal on account of gayness
-MCC founded by Troy Perry (12 people in his living room in CA) following his suicide attempt
-Dignity founded (Catholic)
-UU General Assembly passed a resolution to end discrimination 'against homosexuals, homosexuality, bisexuals, and bisexuality'
-MCC SF founded; operates nomadically until 1980
-MCC Mother Church dedicated in LA
-LIFE Magazine year in review - "Preaching that 'God loves gays too'" - “Perry is wiling to “marry” homosexual couples, though the marriages are not recognized as legal by existing laws in any state.”
- UCC ordains first openly ay pastor, Rev. William Johnson
Beth Chayim Chadashim opens in LA (
b/c a bunch of Jews had shown up to the MCC Mother Church, and when they started their own congregation, Perry let them use MCC facilities
helped by Reform rabbi Arnold Kaiman
-The Lord Is My Shepherd etc. published
-The American Baptist Association, American Lutheran Association, United Presbyterians, United Methodists, and the Society of Friends (Quakers) launch the National Task Force on Gay People in the Church.
-January, arson burned down MCC Mother Church in LA
during the fire, BCC sent their newly elected president in with the fire chief to retrieve the Torah
they got a new Torah, Czech scroll #115, and they apparently still have it
-BCC starts to publicize and use egalitarian language in its worship services
-June, UpStairs Lounge arson attack in NOLA
-Integrity founded (Episcopalians) in Georgia
- Lutherans Concerned founded (ReconcilingWorks, as of 1980)
-Affirmation founded (United Methodists)
-UU Office of Gay Affairs opens (UU ministers had already performed at least three 'celebrations of love')
-Brethren/Mennonite Council for Lesbian/Gay Concerns founded
- First International Conference of Gay Jews (“Lesbian” was added in 1978 on a motion by BCC's Harriet Perl) held in DC
- Episcopal General Conference passed the resolution: 'Resolved, that it is the sense of this General Convention that homosexual persons are children of God and have a full and equal claim with all other persons upon the love, acceptance, and pastoral concern and care of the Church.'
- Ellen Marie Barrett ordained, first openly lesbian Episcopal priest (right after women permitted)
-More Light founded (PCUSA)
- World Congress of Gay and Lesbian Jewish Organizations founded in SF (now the World Congress of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Jews: Keshet Ga’avah )
-Reconciling Ministries Network (UMC) - though planning started in 1982
-UUA General Assembly adopted a resolution supporting same-sex marriages
-UMC GC changes Book of Discipline - 'no self-avowed, practicing homosexual shall be ordained or appointed in the United Methodist Church'
- Nechama ('Comfort') founded to educate Jewish communities about AIDS
- October 10, Troy Perry presided over 'The Wedding', w/thousands of same-sex couples outside the Internal Revenue Building
-Angels in America
-Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists founded
-March on Washington; Troy Perry repeats the wedding ceremony for 2600 couples
-Jesus Acted Up, Goss
-Stranger at the Gate, White
-Our Tribe, Wilson - struggles for recognition with the World Council of Churches
- Millennium March planned by HRC, MCC, other 'assimilationists'
-Cathedral of Hope splits from the MCC b/c the MCC is too focused on gay causes and wasn't able to get progressive heterosexuals on board
- Rev. Karen Damman acquitted (UMC)
- Rev. Irene Elizabeth Stroud found guilty and defrocked (UMC)
-Nancy Wilson takes over the MCC from Troy Perry