Okay, as mentioned in Saturday's post, it's time for a giant 30% off sale! All of my fuzzies and sparklies 30% off before shipping (and I'll try and consolidate the shipping)!
This is for two exciting reasons: one, I am turning thirty on Wednesday, and I figured I should do something to celebrate; and two (the more pertinent reason), I just have too much stuff and would be thrilled to see some of it go off into the wild blue yonder.
This sale applies to:
1. Stuff in
my Etsy store!
2. Stuff in
part one and
part two of my big assorted stuff-for-sale list!
3. Stuff that you've seen me talk about before, who knows, it may still be around! Or I may be able to duplicate it. You never know!
You can put dibs on stuff by making a list of what you want and:
1. Commenting to this post!
2. Commenting to part one and/or two of the assorted for-sale lists!
3. Sending me a PM!
4. Emailing me at ladysisyphus at livejournal!
5. Purchasing through Etsy! If you're only buying stuff from Etsy, go ahead and I'll refund part of it. If you're getting stuff from my lj and stuff from Etsy, though, just let me know what you want from Etsy and I'll consolidate the purchases.
And I'll contact back to let you know your total and my PayPal address/snail mail address!
This will go on for approximately 72 hours, until 11:59:59 PM EST, Wednesday, February 23, 2011, at which point the coach turns back into a pumpkin.
Also, happy birthday,
peripheralsight! And everybody else,
go check out the new steampunk issue of bb_shousetsu! I'm very proud of it, you see.