Lots of
new icons! This time all from Avatar! ...Man, I'm going to miss the
Utena icons, but it was time for a change.
On the one hand, I know a lot of you are in the process of watching the show right now and/or planning on watching it sometime in the near future. On the other hand, there are a lot of images from later episodes I really wanted to make into icons. So I erred on the side of caution, and the only things you'll really be spoiled for are: a) people change clothes, and b) Zuko gets a haircut. ...Also, there's a lot of images in here that don't actually happen, because I think dream sequences are hilarious.
Default icon!
moving under ice through water trying to
Sad Avatar in water!
don't ride the unagi. not fun.
I love how comfortable Aang is with everything. You can put him in flowers and makeup and a dress, and he's cool with it!
secret secret secret secret tunnel
They're tears, but they're happy tears.
let the pain flow away
Oh, academics.
are fruit pies an agricultural product?
Yeah, I don't either.
d) none of the above?
I can’t believe I yelled at my earthbending teacher!
what did I just do???
I thought they were ocean kumquats!
steer clear of the sea prunes
Damn you, fluffy things.
try screaming into this pillow
I am so proud of myself right now. You have no idea. Seriously.
check THIS out!
Aang sticks the landing. Perfect 10!
and jill came tumbling after
Hey, dudes, I'm the Avatar!
this end up
It's like the time I got caught trying on those really fancy liturgical garments.
put that down it's ceremonial
Katara loves Steel Magnolias.
still cries at a good film
...And then, ten years later, Aang takes her up on it.
give Zuko a kiss for me
Let me tell you about these great new dance steps I learned!
dancing isn't something you think about
Sweet dreams, little Avatar.
counting koala-sheep
Worst parent-teacher conference ever! ...Or best, take your pick.
that's what any mother would say ma'am
This is what I look like after I spend too many hours watching Ghost Hunters.
jumpy from the ghost stories
It's a good thing for us all that I speak lemur.
just a few plums short of a fruit pie
Aang is very interested in what you have to say right now. Really.
all ears
True bliss is when a 10-ton flying bison gets its toes cleaned.
mud and bugs!
Well, this is demeaning to us all.
You can't see me!
invisible bison
This is how I feel when I get out of work sometimes.
let huge ferocious beasts lead our way
That's right, it's an Usagi Yojimbo parody.
where's my samurai?
True friends play rock-water-fire with you and let you flick 'em in the head when they lose.
rock beats firebender
Somebody has taken inappropriate precautions against incliment weather. Two somebodys, actually.
soon as the storm is over
This is bound to be my icon for running commentary on feminist issues. It was a stupid doll, too.
the latest fashion for Earth Kingdom girls
Any day you can destroy a sand castle and intimidate a couple of kids is a good day.
negative role models
I love your shirt.
because it's so sharp
Really, though, if she'd wanted to make the impression complete, she'd've added a gentle lisp.
you can laugh. it's funny.
Hey, baby, wanna come back to my place and see my etchings?
hey there sweet sugar cakes
Stepdads are so patient and long-suffering.
you have your father's wit
The Boulder has just been schooled by a little girl.
over it.
my cabbag-- oh forget it
Like one of those days when you can't remember all the words to a song, and then you think about it all day before you give up, and finally, a week later, when you're thinking about something totally different, it comes to you!
Don't cry, tiny Zuko! Your tiny boyfriend will make it all better!
did not see that one coming
Even the Fire Nation judge was suitably impressed!
judges give it a 7.9
My job is like this, a lot, actually.
blue notes
The more you look at it, the funnier it gets. (Yes, the keyword is a Futurama quote.)
shh. don't talk. just go.
Hakoda/Tyro 2008!
though you die la resistance lives on
In the short segments, when Sifu Kisu is talking about soft power and crane style in Earthbending, it shows Haru doing his dancy move. ...Yeah.
float like a butterfly
Foaming guy demands callbacks!
Don't look directly at it.
I love my daddy.
all the white horses have gone ahead
Two guys wrasslin'! ...But not in a gay way. ...Seriously. ...No, I actually mean it this time.
you're just a jerk without a soul!
These are very important decisions we have to make.
delectable tea ... or deadly poison?
Remember, kids, don't stick your fingers in light sockets.
lightning is very dangerous
You give Uncle Lazy a headache.
why is your forehead all red?
music night on the ship
Who is the man? Iroh is most assuredly the man.
because I made it up myself!
(a bloo bloo bloo bloo)
brave soldier boy comes marching home
...Right after I finish this roast duck! ...and play with this kitten!
much practice
Stealing is bad! ...Unless it's from nuns.
arsenic and old spice
Sometimes it hurts being the only person around here who notices the little things. Like traps.
never known my brother to regret anything
In case the steam isn't entirely visible in this scaled-down form, that is some hot tea.
hottest tea in Ba Sing Se
What, are you crazy?
not going to shoot lightning at you!
surprised at your lack of obsession
...but in the end they do not like him.
he gets with ladies
Don't mind your old uncle's aching bones! He'll be fine! Just keep riding that ostrich horse! Don't let my aching joints stop you!
passive-aggressive affection
Bet you feel like crap now, Crispy!
you're going to make every mistake
Not approved for minors.
no one wants to see your old man junk
Solid Snake never has to put up with this touchy-feely crap. ...Wait, yes he does.
the ice is getting thin
Somebody's a little crazy.
when the walls bend with your breathing
This is my stalker face!
i won't give up that ghost
bigbigtruck says, teahouse/hatesex OTP.
tea. house. fight.
I have never been turned on so much in my life.
unlike other Robin Hoods
Back to my hick roots!
i don't think it's working
It doesn't get much gayer than this. Or stalkier than this.
so that's how you found me
Trying to kick your grandmother's ex's ass is hard work.
power comes from the breath
Maybe the best way to block uncontrolled fire blasts is not to hold out the soft, exposed palms of your bare hands.
This is delicious.
my friends need to suck on you
Let the nice doctor spirit lady heal you up good and proper!
water brings healing and life
You'll never understand my pain, Crispy!
what this war has put me through
On cold mornings, I wish I were a waterbender. Maybe then my hair wouldn't freeze on the way to my car.
find a puddle for you to splash in
Koizilla! Splashinatin' on your villages!
the ocean says no
Just keep smiling.
rooting for the underdog
Skepticism is depressing.
oh Sokka just hold hands
All dressed up to see the bear.
don’t talk to the commoners Katara
...I have no excuse for myself. Except for the part where you can just imagine me laughing every time I use this icon.
you're doing it wrong
You should've seen me back in the day.
who are these two beautiful women?
Next week, Mai opens for the Cure.
makeup that's not totally depressing
That cow looks pretty mad.
even the meat eats meat
Some days my job is like this, too. ...The Momo part, not the baby part.
so what i'm just a lemur-sitter?
Pracing the tao of shut up and go away.
om mani padme ook
I mostly wasn't like this when I was sixteen. Mostly.
you're just a big blah
They're actually kind of adorable.
i know one thing i care about
Girls like it when you tell them stuff like that! Don't they?
you're beautiful when you say dumb shit
I think it's funny how many Mai/Zuko icons I ended up having, considering how amusing my reaction to the pairing is -- though I suppose it's because it's the only couple I really like who's actually spent any appreciable canon time being a couple together.
they danced by the light of the moon
The Fire Lord makes a fearsome art project.
and here's one that I made out of noodles!
Oh, somebody's getting taken out back to the woodshed.
here comes daddy with the strap again
Don't ask whose hand is up the Fire Lord's butt.
no one can surprise the Fire Lord!
If you object to this pairing, you are officially a bad person.
love is brightest in the dark
That penguin does not know what the fuck.
It pleases me to know that this entire episode is pretty much just one big love letter to Sifu Kisu.
you got served
This isn't gay at all.
grindledore is basically canon
Say what?
how did you--?
We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, laughers, screamers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get into locked a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can. The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.
we can't stop here this is wolfbat country
Be sure to hold your sleeve back so it doesn't trail in the ink.
you cannot take back a stroke of the brush
Admitting when you've been a jerk is the first step toward stopping being a jerk.
i'm sorry if i insulted you earlier
For joy!
you /do/ always come back!
Master Piandao, you're so strong...
so dreamy
Also, I hear Avatar can save you from bandom!
food eats people
I know they do things differently in the South Pole, but this is ridiculous.
you're seriously doing it wrong
I am filled with concern for my giant furry friend!
loves mah bison
Just chillin'. In a giant leaf. Like ya do.
ready to go right now naked guy
Avatar Kiyoshi on the peninsula with the earthbending!
the game's afoot
That was just public speaking, and nobody’s really good at that.
don’t worry you’ll do great
Is that okay?
you added a rainbow
He runs Avatars and air bison like Mussolini ran trains.
wake up 43 minutes earlier every day
Damn classical poetic forms.
one two three four five ... six?
straighten this boy out somethin' fierce
I don't know if I'm gonna be able to fall asleep!
Momo, you need to be a little more sensitive to my boundaries.
what are you doing in my mouth???
i love surprises
No, you can't have a pony.
not yours
You know, there really isn't a lot of (read: any) lesbian subtext in this show. This, of course, hasn't stopped me from having two hilariously femslashy icons. Perhaps it is I who has the problem.
oh Sokka you saved me
Or she will punch you in the face!
respect the Toph!
who's got issues?
Fasten your seatbelts, make sure your seat backs are in their full upright and locked position, and make sure all carry-on luggage is stowed under your seat or in an overhead compartment.
as long as we've got the skies
Beach volleyball is serious business.
keep serving the ball to her left
Not only is she pretty, she can cross her ankles behind her head!
because you make it so easy for them
Thank you for not destroying my dream and burning down my circus, Azula! ...Oh, I spoke too soon.
thank you is a very polite thing to say
...You're soaking wet.
girls are crazy!
Baby dummyface loved his mommy!
that's what moms are like
An agni kai is fought to the burning.
when he turned to face his opponent
You know, sometimes I just have to stop and think about, wow, that really is one horrible and disfiguring scar he's got there.
using all of my will to keep very still
He's picked a very nice place to have a flashback.
azula always lies azula always lies
And you know nine of those minutes were spent convincing Zuko to let him do it.
took my uncle 10 minutes to do my hair
Why do I have so many icons of Zuko? I think the better question is, why don't you have more icons of Zuko?
who needs a tighter noose
Zuko's not laughing at you, he's ... laughing at you.
it's no proverb!
heart that's full up like a landfill
That's the problem with going out with girls. You might actually have a good time.
it was nice.
I think the candle meditation thing is awesome, and I wish they'd show more of it. In fact, anything with Zuko being subtly attuned to fire is aces in my book.
hold the candle till it burns up my arm
I regret that there is no way to reproduce that western showdown whistle in text.
when I got out on the open road
This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice!
that’s what all tea is
There, there. There, there.
lost myself in clarity memory leave
READ! ...brought to you by the Fire Nation Literacy and Moon Destruction Council. (and a joke by
blow up da moon spirit
And here's all the icons I didn't use! All ... 360-odd of them. If you want to use any of these, feel free! Use 'em as bases or like they are, or whatever. And you can credit me for them, or something, I dunno.
Be forewarned that these get a little more freely spoilery from here on out, so if you're paranoid about such things, well, you can do what you want.